The council has launched an online consultation urging people to give their opinions about the proposed closure.
The voluntary organisation has launched an online consultation into changes to the Promise - the pledge Guides take when they join.
Of the 774 responses to the online consultation, 357 backed the mayor option, with 344 against and the rest giving no opinion or an alternative.
Meanwhile, Japan's GIBN is setting up an experimental 156 megabit link between Kyushu University and Cleveland Clinic in the U.S., making possible online consultation -- even advice about on-going surgery.
Clackmannanshire Council's formal response to the SCS's consultation will be put before the full council at a meeting on 20 December and will incorporate the responses received via the online consultation.
You can sign up as an early adopter of Lean Entrepreneur and choose one of four offers, ranging from a PDF of an earlier work, a PDF early version of the book, and the published version, to an enterprise offer of 30 books and online consultation.
Harley-Davidson now provides online and in-dealership consultation and tools to help buyers order the bike of their dreams directly from the factory.
Information has been made available on the DETI website however the consultation is not an online survey.
More information about the public consultation can be found online.
The eight-week consultation will include an online survey, a survey in the Labour-controlled council's Arrow magazine, a series of 'have your say' events and contact with the local voluntary and business sectors.
That's why we're having these consultation calls, gathering feedback online, and asking for e-mails.
The public consultation on the military covenant is available online.
In a separate development, the government has started consultation on a plan to move all motor insurance certificates online.
The public consultation will run for six weeks and more information is available online.
BBC: Isle of Man's private rental sector standards views sought
According to Amanda McCrystal of Bramdiva, a London-based wealth-consultation service for women, a few years ago there was a boom in online share-trading by women in the Gulf, since they could do it from the privacy of home.
The consultation will run until 16 February 2013 and people are asked to submit their comments online or in the post.