There are 400 wine producers in Poland, but most plant only a few acres.
But when only a few states acted, the IRS tried to "fix" the law.
CNN: Obamacare at the Supreme Court in less than three minutes
King and Buddy Guy are only a few of the big names who have reinterpreted his work.
Proteins, however, could be analyzed at the rate of only a few hundred amino acids per month.
They can travel thousands of kilometres in a single trip, yet move only a few hundred metres.
With only a few weeks left to soak up the sun, clothing just gets in the way.
This couldn't have happened during the day and only a few steps from Reforma Avenue without anybody noticing.
Toyota has so far managed to sell only a few hundred Priuses per year in China.
So, apart from Bermuda, it affects only a few countries, none a significant insurance locale.
With only a few hours until the team was set to fly out at 7 a.m.
Only a few companies are differentiating their products and innovating products with diversity in mind.
ENGADGET: Provoke's 2012 concepts head to New York, Nokia hopes nobody notices
A-level candidates in, say, maths, to learn things that only a few will need.
The touch screen has only a few icons, which you make visible by swiping upward.
In the UK on Friday night there were only a few isolated reports of violence.
Is there something only a few of you know about that'll change the world?
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget: Are there UK-based Voicemail to SMS / email alternatives?
Again, the surroundings begin to change only a few moments after the car begins its ascent.
So what is it like seeing a wild gorilla only a few metres away?
His family lives so far away that he sees them only a few times a year.
Only a few short months ago it was all about QE I exit strategies.
Only a few months ago, this generous American policy was predicated on a very different thesis.
In America, only a few big banks will be required to switch to Basel 2.
You may come to a big deflated exasperating halt after only a few minutes.
Back then only a few private sector companies and medical institutions were funding work on them.
Another 10 are microscopic, with only a few million dollars or less in assets.
The group said it took only a few hours to identify the boys who assaulted Rehtaeh.
It was only a few months ago that hysteria pervaded the talk over energy prices.
Not every film can go the distance and up until recently only a few did.
FORBES: On the danger of the normalization of the $1 billion blockbuster...
Only a few people will do it, and then Apple will be done with them.
Google launched its contextual and intelligent search service, Knowledge Graph, only a few months ago.
While hardware makers offer online options, only a few have been successful at a download-only model.
WSJ: Sony Considers��but Rejects��Dropping Disk Drive From Game Console