• One of the problems is only too apparent.

    ECONOMIST: South Korean corporate finance

  • Apollo becomes a tall, youthful soldier with long golden hair, Arnold a lumbering warrior, having the torso of a bear and the majestic head of a lion, and Tom aging tenfold into withered old man, his true age becoming only too apparent.

    FORBES: Some Ideas for Replacing 'Harry Potter'

  • Mr Gray climbed over a 5ft wall to help Mr Whipps and it was only apparent that he too had died when his family turned up at the farm to find out what happened.

    BBC: Essex farm workers 'overcome by slurry'

  • There is a stylistic device, too, the significance of which becomes apparent only in the last scene.

    ECONOMIST: Hollywood

  • Again, this is the wrong attitude: The top is only apparent in hindsight, when it is usually too late.

    FORBES: Books For Better Investing

  • It soon became apparent, however, that building one continuous route across the two islands was not only too ambitious, but it also would bypass many of the most remote and interesting corners of the country.

    BBC: Easy riding on New Zealand��s new cycle trail

  • After an election night described as unprecedented in US politics, Mr Gore conceded defeat only to retract that concession half an hour later as it became apparent that the Florida results were still too close to call.

    BBC: Bush camp raises stakes

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