• But a large chunk has come from sponsors who naturally are only too pleased to tell you all about their involvement.

    BBC: Dome alone: Is it fun for adults?

  • So when Christian - now "John Dickson" - turned up in March 1662 in Elgin, the law was only too pleased to see her.

    BBC: The woman who became a witch-pricker

  • Yet, the discomfort Secretary Rumsfeld caused seemed to delight most Americans, only too pleased to have an opportunity to twit the sanctimonious Old Europeans and their devotees.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Farewell to New Europe?

  • Mr Blair's friends challenged this hurtful interpretation of events, on the ground that most sensible European countries were only too pleased to have a partner whose intimacy with the United States made it a natural transatlantic go-between.

    ECONOMIST: Blair of Arabia

  • But instead of stating this boldly and clearly, we collude with the medical profession who, at an unconscious level, are always only too pleased to increase the ambit of their own expertise, and ask of our legislators that suicide be rendered simply another medical procedure.

    BBC: A Point of View: The biggest decision

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