Thein Than Oo said he would await his clients' instructions on whether to appeal the verdicts.
"It's not just the local residents, " said Lee Min-oo, head of the Whale Culture Preservation Association.
Atlantan Barbara Thompson, who knew Oo through a school she founded for refugee kids, championed his cause.
Oo's decision to go to Berry spread among other students connected through Thompson's school for refugees.
One of their lawyers, Thein Than Oo, said that they were consulting with their families about filing appeals.
There was also a tribute in verse delivered expertly by Ian Landles to the "Man that oo ca' Bill".
Oo's father, a marine engineer, escaped the country and landed in New York, where he found work at a Laundromat in Chinatown.
Thein Than Oo, a lawyer defending the men sentenced Tuesday, said one of his clients, Myat Ko Ko, was given life in prison for murder.
When it was time for everyone to leave Myanmar, Oo's mother told authorities she and her children were going on a shopping trip to Singapore.
Like many who supervise and train promoter, Oo recruits health workers from within the communities they serve and provides ongoing training in health and medicine in order to ensure accurate, up-to-date information.
"I was out with two of my friends, and when we came back ... we saw them, " Win Thike Oo, one of the fishermen who survived, told an Associated Press photographer at the scene.
Del Vecchio, 66, told the Oakley (nyse: OO - news - people ) founder he wasn't interested in carrying a line that accounted for one-fourth of sales but made little money.
Now the only time the two headstrong billionaires have any contact is in federal court, where Oakley (nyse: OO - news - people) filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Nike (nyse: NKE - news - people) for ripping off its sunglasses technology.
Thompson knew that they did not have the SAT scores or the money to make it to a college like Berry, but she was moved by their determination to make it in America, a land that Oo said was as different from their homelands as Earth is from sky.