Ten days after leaving the hospital his knee was still oozing lots of fluid.
When left untreated, the disease can cause infertility in women and painful, oozing inflammation in men.
Bean soup with black pudding and bacon, beignets oozing warm chocolate truffle across the plate.
The old telltale signs, such as irregular paint and misshapen hosels, with glue oozing out, are less common.
WSJ: Psst��Wanna Buy a Counterfeit Golf Club? | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
The aromatics are divine, oozing spices, dark cherry, toffee and cinnamon, the scents just blaze out of the glass.
Mild interest from tech blog Gizmodo sparked more than 100 e-mails, oozing histrionics.
The hallmark of eczema is itching with the skin scaling, crusting and an oozing of a serous or transparent fluid.
In the final, Barrett, oozing confidence, buzzed around Harrison like an angry hornet and had his Las Vegas-based opponent unsettled.
Despite the value that I personally saw oozing out of the service, Essaid assured me that I was in the minority.
Its incredibly complex circuit boards are prized by videogamers for their ability to render battlefield chaos and oozing zombies with stunning realism.
The structure itself breaks all the rules of the standard, sterile car dealership, oozing luxury with its grand proportions and LEED certification.
In a world oozing data, sensors measure everything from speed to smell.
It was oozing with high-energy, classy, brilliant entrepreneurs, business owners, elected officials, scientists, PhDs, lawyers and thought leaders from every corner of the globe.
FORBES: Mixing Business With Pleasure. Men Do It. Why Do Women Hesitate?
St Helens continued to charge forward, oozing class to carve open the home side's defence again as it parted to let Pryce through to touchdown.
With Soderling's unforced error-count rising sharply, Federer eased through another service game and, while not needing to find top gear, he was already oozing confidence.
Full of confidence and oozing in class, Castres ran the ball from their own line and saw Nicolas Spanghero cross for his side's fourth try.
But with the bulls back in the saddle, such news was viewed as corporations oozing with confidence about their businesses, the economy, and current valuations.
While Irish banks are still struggling to recover from their over-exposure to real estate market, the startup scene is vibrant, robust and oozing with potential.
Is it the excitement of being in an environment oozing with baseball industry professionals from the lowest levels of minor league baseball to the world champions?
Other strange plants, which elsewhere have been grazed to extinction, still thrive on Socotra, oozing aloes that the native Socotrans cultivate as cosmetics and herbal remedies.
As someone who spends a lot of time in the startup community, the Canadian startup scene is better, more active and oozing with more potential than ever.
The plaintive, almost straining bassoon solo in the opening still sounds like some new breed of snake charmer to me, oozing with clarinets while cajoling various creatures from their hiding places.
It has the texture of a slightly melted Cadbury Creme Egg, with a shell made of crumbled cookies instead of chocolate and filled with refreshing lemon-bergamot sorbet instead of oozing sugar.
Just turn the whole pile of onions over on itself every 3 or 4 minutes during the early going to help distribute the tasty, caramelizing juice the onions are oozing throughout the pile.
It could have been so much worse for Sunderland in a first half totally dominated by a Liverpool team oozing with the confidence that had been so starkly absent for much of this season.
Some Ogonis are disinclined to forget years of mistrust and others are in talks to clean up the oil spills that have been left untended, still oozing into farmland and rivers after 15 years.
In fact, whether he was kicking a football or swinging a golf club it was obvious that he possessed an incredible knack for ball sports with raw talent oozing from every pore in his body.
Not just the tycoons of that trade, but its induced economy, even on some entire societies in parts of the world where the whole national economy rested upon black oily hydrocarbons oozing out of the ground and where, in some cases, people had just finished ousting tyrants who had been monoplizing this resource.