The return of mediator Arthur Boylan is key to resolving these open issues.
The system aims to make the Assembly's business more open to issues of importance to AMs and communities across Wales.
But a campaign would at least have thrown the issues open to public debate and scrutiny.
The discussion must be based on the patient's agenda, and we should prise open these other issues only if it feels appropriate.
The overall objective of the Policy Guidelines is to promote Open Access in Member States by facilitating understanding of all relevant issues related to Open Access.
Is he coming into this meeting with an open mind on bedrock issues like that?
An open-ended fund issues new shares or units every time an investor puts money in, and retires them every time he takes money out.
And what I said before is that, fortunately, during this summit there were no issues that were left off the table, everything was open, and this was one of the issues that was discussed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Santos Hold a Press Conference | The White House
You speak freely of new and open approaches to solving technological issues, but how do you handle the inevitable setbacks?
While open to compromise on budgetary issues, he would not offer Congress spending cuts in return for lifting the government's borrowing limit, known as the debt ceiling.
We reached an agreement on the five fundamental issues that were identified from the very outset, and the discussion on other issues was an open, candid discussion.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Santos Hold a Press Conference | The White House
Mr. Obama is making a particular effort to reach suburban and college-educated women, who tend to side with Democrats on social issues but are open to the GOP's economic message.
But al-Maliki did not attend, instead sending a letter to the speaker of the parliament, Ossama al-Nujaifi, saying that to discuss such sensitive issues in an open session could harm national security.
Second, the debate over these issues has been open and frank both with the press and the public, showing that Chile is a sound and mature democracy capable of handling critical moments.
He works with innovators across these groups, drawing them together in his annual Sage Congress around the themes of overcoming health privacy issues and developing open-source methods to which patients, citizens and researchers can contribute.
And I think if you look at -- I think -- I have not talked to him about this, but I think certainly my view of the hearings is that she is providing full, open and forthcoming testimony about issues in the law.
On every one of these issues my door remains open to good ideas from both parties.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
The expected outcomes of the workshop are the guidelines on the production and use of OER and the recommendations on open licensing and IPR-related issues.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
We had an open and honest conversation about critical issues like immigration reform and gun violence, and other areas where we can work together to move this country forward.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: End the Sequester to Keep Growing the Economy | The White House
The EU argues that engaging with the Cubans on areas of common interest such as trade and the environment could open the door to future discussions on issues such as human rights.
And, closing the conference, theorist and teacher Clay Shirky pointed to the promise of open-source approaches to social and political issues.
If Mr Clinton's envoy reports progress on these immediate issues, the way will be open for a tour of the region by his secretary of state, Madeleine Albright (see article).
Uelmen said he didn't think a witness was entitled to see a list of questions ahead of time, but Ito pointed out that the issues had just been discussed in open court.
Even trade publications like Publishers Weekly, which I follow closely, have had a role to play, updating the book industry on which publishing houses were open for business, which booksellers were having issues, etc.
"I too believe that they're going to resolve all these issues and it's going to open, " Casella said.
The EA will define principles and goals and set direction on such issues as the promotion of interoperability, open systems, public access, compliance with GPEA, end user satisfaction, and IT security.
In June of 2011, Walgreen and Express Scripts began a battle over payment issues, which continued through the fall open enrollment season of 2011 and ended Jan. 1 of last year with the two parting ways.
In June of last year, Walgreen and Express Scripts began a battle over payment issues, which continued through the fall open enrollment season of 2011 and ended Jan. 1 of this year with the two parting ways.
We addressed tax expenditure issues with the staffers, and they were open to hear us out.
The proposal is open for public comment for 90 days before the FDA issues its final recommendations.