While it was being prepared, I scampered around to a wine shop next door, bought a nice bottle of Australian red, got them to open it for me and took it back into the Sagano to have with my meal.
CNN: From Our Correspondent: Merry Christmas, Uncle Ho
And with that, let me open it up for your questions.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference
But it was also stressful for me to use it because I had, like, three tabs open and I just didn't know what was going on.
CNN: Disconnected: My year without the Internet
That's why it is so important for me to open up these doors, to have you guys come from all over the country to sit in the same chairs that kings and queens and ambassadors and senators have sat in, right?
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Speaks to Students at Blues Workshop
For me, the more open-ended it is, the more excited I am to see where it goes.
WSJ: Conference asks: What is the best Broadway can be?
It opened so many doors that I never imagined would be open for me.
FORBES: Kiss Your Boss Goodbye: Will You Leave Your Job In 2013?
"The door has been slightly open for me in these majors and I haven't quite managed to walk through it yet, " he said.
BBC: SPORT | Golf | Monty refreshed for major quest
Well the most likely thing is that Verizon will make an offer for Vodafone's 45% stake in Verizon Wireless - because it has been something of an open secret for months that Verizon wants complete control of Verizon Wireless, and it is pretty clear to me that it doesn't want to own all of Vodafone.
BBC: Why break up bid for Vodafone looms
"It was unbelievable what he (Ernie Els) did for me, " Oosthuizen told the official British Open website.
For me, it's a key part to work with anybody, to have a very open and flowing brain-storming.
CNN: Hey Madonna, don't give up the day job!