The safety problem is an open secret among people in the health care industry.
It's an open secret that it has a stake in Nabil Bank, a domestic private.
It's an open secret the world over that the US does not pursue non-interest issues.
The parentage of the light-skinned child was for years an open secret among local blacks.
There is also the fact that Mr Foley's homosexuality was an open secret on Capitol Hill.
This has been an open secret among bankers and regulators since the start of the credit crunch in 2007.
It is an open secret that hospitals in the 21st Century are full of patients that should not be there.
Among some Web programmers, the type of maneuver used by Google appears to have been an open secret for some time.
WSJ: Google Tracked iPhones, Bypassing Apple Browser Privacy Settings
One of them, Labour Rhondda MP Chris Bryant has said that Mr Evans's sexuality was "an open secret in Parliament for years".
"It's an open secret she scuppered some of his initiatives, " says Ho.
Double-dipping fees have been an open secret in the industry for years.
It's an open secret that many higher standard factories often sub-contract orders to these sweat-shops to keep costs down and meet customer's deadlines.
Thanks to an incessant stream of leaks, the handset you see in black and white above had become something of an open secret.
At this point, it's pretty much an open secret that Sprint needs to hitch its ride to LTE to stay in the wireless game.
ENGADGET: Sprint's LTE build out already underway, new 4G network to launch first half 2012?
It's an open secret that some naturally PG movies have an element or two thrown in to earn a PG-13, so teenagers aren't scared off.
It was an open secret, after the Kosovo war, that American commanders were disappointed by their allies' lack of precision-guided weapons, electronic-warfare equipment and secure communications.
But it is an open secret that Mr Ali Mahdi and Mr Aideed have agreed that the first should be president and the second prime minister.
Alonso's switch to Ferrari has been an open secret in F1 for weeks and BBC Sport understands he signed his contract as long ago as July 2008.
It is an open secret among seasoned bears that only a small fraction of short sales these days are the result of rigorous and original securities analysis.
Kenseth's decision to leave for a seat on Gibbs' team was an open secret for much of last season, although the veteran star never really explained his move.
It was an open secret in Silicon Valley for years.
FORBES: Steve Jobs, The World's Most Powerful Customer Service Rep
It is working seamlessly with Mr Obama's own campaign machine, Organising for America, while it is an open secret that the various Republican campaigns are a badly co-ordinated mess.
And with respect to the Middle East, it is an open secret that the United States played no significant role in the diplomacy that led to the Israeli-Palestinian breakthrough.
While the 3G iPhone is something of an "open secret" (see " Sorry, First Adopters--A Better iPhone Is On The Way"), the biggest mystery remains the new handset's design.
It is an open secret in political circles that some African leaders are also intimated by Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, who remained a staunch ally of Col Gaddafi until his death.
It is an open secret that, before turning to the domestic courtship of Dresdner, Deutsche Bank tried to buy in France and Italy, only to be rebuffed by nationalistically minded governments.
It is an open secret that the ageing King Abdullah would like to lift the ban on women driving but he is afraid of the backlash this would cause amongst the clerics.
For its part, T-Mobile hasn't announced its 4G plans yet, but it's an open secret than Deutsche Telekom has explored the idea of selling off its US outpost in the past.
ENGADGET: Sprint's Hesse: there's 'logic' to a T-Mobile merger -- if they both move to LTE
It is an "open secret" in Whitehall that the plans, which aim to bring most benefits and tax credits under a single payment called the "universal credit", are in trouble, Mr Byrne claimed in the Commons.
As Forbes pointed out in February, the owners and operators of the biggest online poker firms are an open secret--and many of them can be found regularly playing poker in Las Vegas or promoting their companies at U.S. events shown on television.