He was open to ideas and argument--you could change his mind with a well-reasoned case.
On this question, Mr Fukui and his deputies seem to be much more open to ideas.
"We are open to ideas for solving the trans-Hudson transportation dilemma, " he said.
Raduchel: We're a pretty polyglot company and are very open to ideas.
There Zhukov was open to ideas of reducing nuclear weapons, initially impressing Khrushchev with his willingness to downsize the massive Soviet military.
The senior Bush administration official said the White House is "open to ideas from Congress to accelerate funds they've already appropriated" to help the auto industry.
He's practical and open to ideas.
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Again, I think that the product that comes out of Thursday is dependent upon the Republican willingness to come and discuss health care solutions and be open to ideas and ensuring that those ideas are passed on to the people in the form of a change in health care reform.
Obama has said he's open to any ideas that expand access to health-care coverage while keeping down costs, while some Democratic senators said they won't back down from demanding a full government-funded public option.
CNN: House health-care negotiations end night without a deal
I'm open to new ideas... but I refuse to accept any approach that isn't balanced.
Whether you are starting a venture or joining a team, simply working hard, completing your tasks and being open to new ideas will set you on a path to success.
FORBES: 3 Keys to Startup Success: Hustle, Follow-Through and Curiosity
I'm going to continue to listen to them, open to their ideas, because, again, we want to make sure we have the strongest possible set of reforms.
Younger people in general tend to be more open to new ideas and pick up new technology so associating with them can help to keep your mind stimulated, which can certainly enhance the quality of your life.
"I'm hoping that Benedict XVI's successor will be open to progressive ideas, so that the Roman Catholic Church would be seen as a dynamic institution that can adopt to modern day situations, " he said.
Goold-Haws finds that younger people are more open to the ideas of collaborating with international contacts and this might well be because they are so used to an open, highly connected world in which online gaming and social media bring people together on a global scale.
Looking out means you are open to new ideas and able to recognize opportunities.
FORBES: 'Hard Work' isn't the only Virtue for a Small Business
On every one of these issues my door remains open to good ideas from both parties.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
With respect to the tax rates, I just want to emphasize I am open to new ideas.
Mr Fox wants to please many people and be open to many ideas.
You may learn far more from your employees than they learn from you so be open to their ideas.
The company would be better to remind him to go through proper channels but be open to new ideas.
FORBES: Morgan Stanley Software Developer Social Networks Himself Out of a Job
Chief among these, say the researchers, is that Scandinavians are often more open to new ideas than people in other European countries.
They can afford to be open to new ideas because they are not afraid or threatened by new things, they revel in them.
Indeed he probably believed that the stars were more useful for horoscopes than for navigation, but he was refreshingly open to new ideas.
You will create young adults who are open to new ideas, curious about the world, and see solutions where others just see dead ends.
FORBES: The Source of My Greatest Happiness Has Always Been Our Children
So I'm going to be starting from scratch in the sense that I will be open to any ideas that help promote these goals.
He said he would be open to new ideas and had a strategy, launched in March, which included encouraging the use of Welsh in social media.
But to keep its top spot as best Asian city for innovation, Singapore needs to stay open to new ideas, new cultures, and new entrants, adds Solidiance.
The public option -- the public option is only a means to that end, and we should remain open to other ideas that accomplish our ultimate goal.