An inquest jury has returned an open verdict on a Scottish fisherman who fell overboard in Caernarfon Bay.
Coroner Alan Craze recorded a verdict of death from natural causes for Mr Private and an open verdict on his wife.
Dr Peter Dean recorded an open verdict into the deaths of Davina Hamilton, 42, and John Parsons, 46, who were found near a car in Martlesham in December.
An inquest has recorded an open verdict on a woman whose body had not been found since she was reported missing on the north Wales coast three years ago.
BBC: Open verdict on Pauline Annette Edwards missing in 2010
Coroner Andrew Tweddle, told the jury they should consider returning an open verdict if they were not certain beyond reasonable doubt that she intended to kill herself, and had not hoped she would be saved.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Prison criticised over cell death
He concluded that on the balance of probabilities, the deaths of Ptes Benton, James and Gray were self-inflicted, but he offered no conclusion on the death of Pte Collinson, whose inquest returned an open verdict earlier this month.
I've never seen such a fast guilty verdict like this unless it was open and shut like the Susan Smith case and the jury had no choice.
Were that fresh hearing to come to a different conclusion to the accidental death verdict recorded at the time, that might also open the way to criminal prosecutions.
Three Google executives were convicted in Milan, Italy on February 24 this year over a bullying video posted on the site - a verdict greeted with horror by online activists, who fear it could open the gates to such prosecutions and ultimately destroy the internet itself.
His mother, from Liverpool, set up the e-petition urging the government to open a new inquest under section 13 of the Coroner's Act, wanting the accidental death verdict to be overturned.
This verdict may also increase tensions within Turkey between those who believe religion should be allowed a more open role in public life and those who argue that any move away from strict secularism would be a betrayal of the country's founding principles.