• This is the precision and scale and theatre of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics ten-fold.

    BBC: On holiday in North Korea

  • This year Zhang Yimou, a film director who choreographed the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, is to arrange a gala afterwards.

    ECONOMIST: A defence white paper in China: White lies | The

  • Some local newspapers have even reported pregnant women requesting to deliver on August 8, by Cesarean section if necessary, to coincide with the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

    CNN: Beijing journal: An Olympic-sized baby boom

  • The opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and American Idol also received three creative arts trophies.

    BBC: Tina Fey

  • Reports circulated online this week that Zhang Yimou, director of "The Flowers of War" starring Christian Bale and also known as the architect of the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics, has seven children from his two marriages and from relationships with two other women.

    NPR: China Investigates Director Alleged To Have 7 Kids

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