The hearing was temporarily halted at the start when protesters repeatedly interrupted Brennan's opening statement.
The prosecution's opening statement offered no suggestion of a motive for the 1985 killing.
Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in his opening statement.
The chair recognizes himself for five minutes for purposes of making an opening statement.
He continued speaking on Friday and finally finished his opening statement on Monday Feburary 18th.
You yourself used in your opening statement they were unwilling to budge on this.
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On November 19th, Mr. Starr appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and gave a two-hour opening statement.
The surprise announcement actually came about five minutes into Rice's opening statement to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
McGettigan III unveiled them in his opening statement on Monday, projecting boyhood photos on a big screen.
Each member may be permitted to place an opening statement into the record.
And the consequences of us not paying our bills, as I outlined in my opening statement, would be disastrous.
Burns and Nides, but in an opening statement he backed calls for increased congressional funding for the State Department.
Counsel to the inquiry James Eadie will make a lengthy opening statement, expected to last a day, on 26 February.
"Let me be clear: I have never taken steroids or HGH (human growth hormone), " Clemens insisted in his opening statement.
Your opening statement could very well determine whether or not your audience will pay attention to what you have to say.
When Jackson's team refused, the accuser's mother had the boy make false allegations, Mesereau argued in his opening statement Feb. 28.
And all other members, if they have an opening statement, without objection, it will be included in the record at this point.
The chair now recognizes the minority leader, the ranking member of this committee, Mr. Conyers, for five minutes for his opening statement.
Following an impassioned opening statement Tuesday by Finance Committee Ranking Member Sen.
Panish, who will deliver the Jacksons' opening statement Monday morning, said he was not sure who his first witness will be Tuesday morning.
In an opening statement, prosecutor Jonathan Baumoel said the "enormous" weight of Beasley's crimes should be considered in deciding on life or death.
His lawyer will present the defense's opening statement on Tuesday morning.
Her counsel, Richard Rampton, pulled no punches in his opening statement.
With that, I will recognize Mr. Conyers for an opening statement, and after Mr. Conyers, we will go to our witnesses who are at the table.
Remember, every surgeon has to make a first cut, every lawyer a first opening statement to a jury, every pilot a first take off and landing.
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In his opening statement, the Galway West Coroner, Dr Ciaran MacLoughlin said it was his job to ensure the inquest would be "independent, prompt and effective".
During his opening statement, Mr Campbell described Cornwell as "a demanding client" who "tends to push off responsibility and assign blame when things go off track".
Mr Karadzic is not due to give his opening statement until next week, after the prosecution has been allowed two days to deliver its opening argument .
Cook, who is more accustomed to commanding a stage in front of investors and techies than facing a congressional committee, took a defensive tone with his opening statement.
"Manufacturing must be able to adjust and flex production, " Steve McClellan, president of Goodyear's North American tire unit, told the union in the company's opening statement April 22.