Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, head of the Defence Ministry's international co-operation department, said the proposal would easily beat NMD, which Russia says could drain Europe financially.
Martin McGuinness told the assembly that failure to continue the operation of the department would be "a drastic eventuality".
The operation involved the Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Social Services, the PSNI and Revenue and Customs.
Conall McDevitt of the SDLP wanted to know why there would not be a shared review in co-operation with the department of education.
Some of this rise is due to better testing and co-operation with the animal services department, which receives most reports of dying birds.
When Congress originally asked the Justice Department about the operation last year, it first denied that the ATF had permitted any smuggling to proceed before reversing itself ten months later.
"While the Committee has subpoenaed documents that address what senior officials were told about controversial gunwalking tactics during Operation Fast and Furious, the Justice Department pointedly refuses to provide them or to deny senior officials were given information in the course of the Operation indicating the existence of reckless tactics, " a spokesman for Issa said Wedneday.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Justice Department have launched "Operation Crash" using undercover agents and electronic surveillance in an effort to stop the black market trade in rhino horns, which has led to poaching and has reduced the world's rhino population by more than 90 percent since 1970.
At the heart of it all are two projects: "Operation Vote" and "The Field Department".
In Milwaukee, the poorest part of the state, the entire operation has been taken from the welfare department and contracted out.
It also wants more information on which senior Justice Department officials knew about the operation and who approved it, as well as why the various law enforcement agencies allegedly failed to communicate with each other about the operation.
New York, which has been at Orange since the September 11 attacks, is to continue its Operation Atlas counter terrorism initiative, the police department said Wednesday.
That's because his mother's South Bronx building is one of thousands of private dwellings patrolled by the New York Police Department under a program known as Operation Clean Halls.
Stagecoach indicated it was close to reaching an agreement with the UK Department for Transport "for the continued operation of West Coast train services".
"This is such a major decision with far-reaching implications... and it is tantamount to redefining our relationship, " the Department of International Relations and Co-operation said in a statement.
The State Department declined to comment on the naval operation.
WSJ: Obama Offers Open Channels to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea
An undercover operation by Devon County Council's trading standards department and Devon and Cornwall Police found that 34% of the off-licences and pubs visited sold alcohol to under 16s.
This has solely been an operation run by the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department, and I've been advising them and members of my staff have been advising them on the legal issues involved in the investigation.
The CIA should get out of the drone operation business, handing it over to the Defense Department, which has a culture of learning lessons, accountability to Congress and a new openness about civilian protection after 10 years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Belleayre operation was transferred last year to ORDA from the state Department of Environmental Conservation.
Representative Issa is certain that most top Justice Department officials knew about the Fast and Furious operation.
In it she said she expected the co-operation of the council officials and members in implementing her department's wishes.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Staffordshire | Task force to help city children
The Energy Department contracts out day-to-day operation of the country's nuclear labs to the University of California and Lockheed Martin Corp.
Thorough congressional investigations would no doubt help reveal the extent of the operation, and the criminal investigation announced by the Justice Department on Tuesday may prove fruitful as well.
WSJ: James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting
"We are happy that this high-risk operation was successful, " said Claudio Saenz, a fire department official with knowledge of the rescue efforts.
As the operation proceeds, a deputy from the LA County sheriff's department is waiting outside in the corridor for news.
Last month, Boehner, other House GOP leaders, and Issa sent Holder a letter saying the committee had narrowed the scope of its request to documents showing internal discussions among senior DOJ officials and any materials generated after February 4, 2011, when the Justice Department initially gave Congress what Issa calls misleading accounts about the operation.
For the story, I accompanied New York Department of Conservation officers Jamie Powers and Kevin Thomas on a sting operation in Manhattan.
But Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were both furious, believing White had operated behind their backs or was incapable of running his department, or at least of maintaining control over his congressional liaison operation.
Given its total failure to promote U.S. interests through public diplomacy, and the incompatibility of the mission with the culture of the foreign service, the State Department is the last place to be in charge of such an operation.
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