Oppressive regulations will do little to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels as our economy will continue to be reliant on traditional energy sources for the foreseeable future.
Even though Tuesday's game will kick off late in the evening, local forecasts say the mercury will be in the mid-80s and the humidity will be oppressive.
Politicians understand that ordinary people will be less likely to resist oppressive tax rates if they think that those with larger incomes are being treated even worse.
What we do know with considerable certainty is that Pakistan will have another round of phony elections on February 18 that will perpetuate General Musharaf's oppressive rule and continue the nuclear power's inexorable slide into violence and chaos.
Such choice propaganda material will undoubtedly reinforce the propaganda machines that power oppressive leftist regimes in Cuba and their aspiring counterparts like Ortega in Nicaragua, the FMLN in El Salvador, and Zelaya in Honduras.