Picture an optical telescope, a really good optical telescope, and you have to think big.
They are the first planets discovered by the enormous Keck telescope in Hawaii, the sharpest optical telescope in the world.
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This, combined with a new digital camera developed for it by Mitsubishi Electric, will make it the most powerful ground-based optical telescope around.
ECONOMIST: Japan��s new telescope
The Siding Spring Observatory, located high in a remote area, is home to Australia's largest optical telescope, the 3.9m diameter Anglo-Australian Telescope, as well as several others.
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Planetary Resources co-founder and co-chairman Peter Diamandis chatted with us, telling us why the company made the unusual decision to put its first orbital optical telescope up for grabs on Kickstarter.
Thanks to observations made with the Gemini ground-based optical telescope in Hawaii, it quickly became clear that GRB130427A was superbright primarily because it lay only a few billion light years away.
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X-rays are easier to pinpoint than gamma rays, so BeppoSAX was able to give astronomers a position for the bursts that was accurate enough to aim a big optical telescope at.
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Water gobbles up microwaves (the heating that this causes is how microwave ovens work), so finding a good site for a microwave telescope is even harder than finding one for an optical telescope.
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That would give it a resolution of a few thousandths of an arc-second enough, were this an optical rather than a radio telescope, to see a boulder just a few metres across on the surface of the moon.
ECONOMIST: Radio telescopes
The best-known is probably the Hubble Space Telescope , which operates at optical frequencies.
ECONOMIST: Telescopes are getting bigger, better and less tangible