"This removes pulling the trigger as the first option in dealing with foreign nationals, " he says.
The proposed one-mile (1.7km) bypass to the A142, which carries about 15, 000 vehicles per day, is the council's preferred option for dealing with the "traffic bottleneck" near Ely's railway station.
But, alongside existing plans to make more use of vaccination against foot-and-mouth (a tactic unpopular with farmers since it hinders their ability to export meat), the study offers vets another, less grisly option for dealing with any future outbreaks of the disease.
There is an option available for dealing with terrorists like al Qaeda, however, that may not apply to the domestic assassin (assuming, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the latter is not one of the former).
There is either an option that says dealing with our deficits and debt, the responsibility for that should be borne entirely almost by the middle class and seniors and folks who depend on programs like Medicaid, or it should be borne evenly in a balanced way, which is what the President believes.
Containment as a fallback strategy is not a viable option when you are dealing with the world's leader in state-sponsored terrorism.
He has made clear that we do not rule out any option in responding or in dealing with Iranian behavior.
And we will continue to work along that path, even as, as the President has noted, we will not remove any option from the table in dealing with this issue.
He takes no option off the table in dealing with Iran, but he's focused on this diplomatic avenue because not only do we have the time and space to do so, but it is ultimately the approach that has the best chance, if successful, of ensuring that Iran does not ever build a nuclear weapon.
"In dealing with Iran, every option must be on the table, " he said.
In the report, the NDA said managing the material at Sellafield, rather than dealing with it at Dounreay, was its preferred option.
It gives individual countries the option of making compulsory the regular rotation of auditors or the senior partner dealing with an account.