None of us has enough time to fully enjoy our family and our friends, a good meal, a great conversation or a good book.
Ancient civilizations, and cracking the code of long-lost languages is usually the reserve of Hollywood, or a good old-fashioned book.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 27.10.12: ancient texts, super-Earths and special-ops mice
The common areas, such as the antiques-filled snooker room, are ideal for cozying up with a good book or a relaxing with a stiff nightcap.
When the words finally come, they often contain the answer to the original question along with a slew of related thoughts, and maybe a reference to a good book or two.
FORBES: Where The Cheap Stocks Are---Come Hell Or High Water
One is that if somebody's reviewing, if a critic's reviewing an adult book, a good popular biography or work of science I'd like them to be able to say this is so interesting and so well written that children would enjoy this book as well.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Philip Pullman
Sleep is also the new snake oil--the promise of a good snooze from a book or a bed or a bottle.
Once I understood the source of my discomfort, I resisted the urge to drop a name or tell people I had just given a talk or written a book or something else to identify a solid role for myself that would make me look and feel good.
It offers no quick fixes or get-rich-quick advice, but it is a good book to keep readers grounded in reality.
Of course, the laughter of the book of Proverbs goes deeper than a good joke or a witty reply.
Will quangos ever be a good thing or should we take a leaf out of Alan Sugar's book and tell some of them "You're Fired"?
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | South East: Quango fog...
However, tangible book value per share is a good measure of liquidation value, or the amount that shareholders can reasonably expect to receive should the company go under.
FORBES: If Hewlett-Packard Looks Bad, AutoZone Looks A Lot Worse
The work that Sellers is doing is for a good cause, so please buy the book in the autumn for yourself or give a copy to a budding entrepreneur you know.
The long-distance Javerts in the tough-on-immigration movement need to take a good long look at Les Miserables, whether the book, the movie or the musical, and see the bit of Javert in each of us.
FORBES: Law And Grace In Best Picture Nominee 'Les Miserables'