People with ADD often are drawn to danger or excitement as a means of focusing.
EBay doesn't care if the sentiment is nostalgia or excitement, as long as it's positive.
Even though nothing later comes close to it for enterprise or excitement, "The Grey" remains a genuinely gripping survival story and a refreshing change from stale urban action flicks: "Jaws" on paws.
Does your child seem to laugh, smile or express excitement more often than his or her peers?
The technical challenges that Monza presents have never diminished the excitement or quality of the racing there -- not least Moss's first victory in 1956.
Duke's victory could not match it in excitement or intensity.
But The Hobbit feels fearless and devoid of self-consciousness about expectations or anything other than excitement at telling its story, and at times almost seems to avoid any obvious choices or traditional perspectives in the approach to action and big reveals.
FORBES: 'The Hobbit' Review: Peter Jackson's Return To Middle-Earth Is A Triumph
The excitement, or some would say, football hysteria, is fuelled by newspaper columns tracking the build-up in minute detail.
These days, whether you sell cars or shoes, laptop computers or wine, the excitement is as important as the product.
At best, a slide show can provide information, but rarely helps with the issue of fear versus excitement, or trust versus mistrust.
The movie nearly trips up on its own excitement once or twice, and it's overloaded with talent that it doesn't always put to the best use.
But outside Scotland, constitutional reform arouses little excitement one way or the other.
Win or lose, this is excitement the Bank of England could do without.
The headlines reflect what is going on in the world and are meant to incite a specific feeling -excitement, joy or more often fear.
The process arcs from excitement and amazement (or alarm and fear) to amplification, skepticism, concern, research, disillusionment, conversation, rediscovery, enlightenment and refinement.
So do high arousal positive emotions: awe, excitement, and amusement or humor.
There is great excitement about RET - or road equivalent tariff - which is to start between the Western Isles and the mainland.
But in the city of Turin there seems to be little excitement either for these achievements or for the upcoming international sporting event.
It marked a return to the fold for Josep Guardiola, the influential Barcelona midfielder who has it in him to rouse his side from lethargy, or calm things down when over-excitement sets in.
This whole drama will continue on until Manning selects a new city, or the whole of ESPN collapses from over-excitement.
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There is fairly sizeable pool of proven NFL coaches available but Harbaugh generates more excitement than anyone except Gruden, Cowher or Tony Dungy.
Back then, receiving email (or having any contact whatsoever with someone else without having to resort to telephone or face-to-face contact) was excitement writ large.
Discovery - for most, the word evokes feelings of excitement and wonder, images of Einstein or Jacques Cousteau, the voice of Leonard Nemoy or Patrick Stewart introducing a Star Trek episode.
What are your options if your business is in a sluggish or declining industry, say, one that lacks excitement because of Medicare constraints that undermine your business and those of your dealers?
But all the fanfare associated with the value of biodiversity, the excitement of discovering new species, expanding or at least maintaining parklands, greenbelts, and critical biological corridors has in a matter of a few days once again been tainted by doubts and no small terror.
FORBES: The Best and Worst of Times: Killer Vegetables, Plunging Markets, Infinite Nature
In her presence, though, they revert to gushing, hand-wringing teens who show their excitement through nervous laughter, professions of adoration or tears.
CNN: At 75, Judy Blume draws crowds with first film adaptation
Even readers unfamiliar with Western classical arrangements can't help but be drawn into the excitement of the "headlong happiness" of Haydn or the missing "melodicity" of Brahms.
There was some excitement that Actavis could be acquired by either Valeant or Mylan and thus trigger a wave of additional larger-scale combinations focused on the generic space.
As a result, the strategy rolled out in fits and starts, and failed to generate the urgency and excitement required to make it stick with either customers or employees.
Does your child express excitement with unusual physical behaviors, such as flapping his or her hands?