To be sure, they do not want American power squandered, inappropriately exercised or, if possible, utilized without the support and help of our allies.
For now, Howlett said shipping operators and recreational boaters needed to take caution through the area -- or avoid it if possible.
If you are travelling to the airport, take rail options instead of a taxi or the Tube, if possible.
But he claimed new cross-border rules meant that it was no longer possible and patients had to be referred to hospitals locally or, if that was not possible, elsewhere in Wales.
The new standard will require that residential, commercial or infrastructure projects using federal aid elevate their structures 1 foot above the latest Federal Emergency Management Agency recommendations or, if elevation isn't possible, relocate or flood-proof boilers or other utilities a foot higher than the latest federal guidance.
By day six, we feel we have lived here all our lives - or, if at all possible, would like to arrange to.
The most important point is to keep portions under control by buying single-serving bars if possible or breaking off a serving and putting the rest of the bar out of sight so you are not tempted to eat more than one serving.
What would change the dynamics of these conversations to more productive ones, if indeed that is possible, or perhaps in your view, this is productive if people are just expressing themselves, you know, according to their constitutional right to do so.
Second, rich-country leaders should say helpful things or, if that is not possible, keep quiet.
The Colorado Department of Transportation has construction updates for those making the drive, and suggests visitors take the more northern US Highway 34 or Colorado Highway 7 entrances if possible.
Many farmers say that to cope with the labor shortage last season, they offered higher wages, delayed pruning and harvesting, used mechanization if possible, or failed to harvest some of their crop.
Frieden repeated those with flu symptoms -- particularly those who are older or young children -- should see their doctor and, if possible, take the antiviral medications Tamiflu or Relenza to lessen symptoms.
Sheriff's investigators said they don't know the whereabouts of Lohr and Guolee or if they are together, but it's possible one or both of them could be headed to Nevada or Texas, Kramer said.
It is also because, for their part, the European businessmen now so eager to atone for their companies' history are acting for cold, if sensible, commercial reasons: to retain permits to trade or the right to make a takeover in America, as well as to secure, if possible, an indemnity against existing or future claims.
Gareth Peirce, Qatada's solicitor, said she welcomed the court's decision but criticised the memorandum of understanding, saying it was "unenforceable" and carried "no possible sanction or redress if breached".
But one wonders how much more productive he or she might become if it were possible to just say no to doing business with someone who takes up too much time, space and emotion during the course of his or her business life.
FORBES: 'Breakin' Up is Hard to Do': Severing a Business Relationship
That safeguard could help prevent the demeaning jokes or sexual harassment that would be possible if the scan viewer had direct interaction with the passenger.
FORBES: TSA Genitalia Jokes Bode Badly For Full-Body Airport Scans
Applications must be accompanied by completed referee forms provided by two referees with no financial interest in the project who if possible have provided you or your organisation with funding in the past.
"If Nasdaq announces an offer or possible offer for the LSE after three months from the date of this statement, it reserves the right to do so at any price, " Nasdaq said in late March.
"The trick is getting out before the growth starts to fall apart, " he says, as if it were easy, or even possible, to do this consistently These are high-maintenence investments--once Alger buys a stock its analysts keep calling on vendors, competitors and big customers to pick up any signs a company isn't executing smoothy.
To take the metaphor of negotiation or combat as a game even further, if possible one should not only change the game board, but change the game.
FORBES: Musashi-Style Negotiations In Business - Set The Game Board Before The Battle Begins
Some of the little tricks that always work with younger boys are things like always sitting in a sofa, or a chair with big, soft arms if possible.
The cause of the fire, which appeared to have been deliberately set, was still being investigated and detectives are still trying to determine if the deaths were possible homicides or the result of a murder-suicide, the official said.
She also urged anyone who felt they might have been raped, not to wash or change clothes and get tested for drugs immediately if possible.
Kim said her results didn't change with the child's birth order -- another possible allergy risk factor -- or if the child was male or female.
In future posts, I will discuss the different types of investors and the pros and cons of each, as well as the various ways funding is structured and the possible implications if things go well or not so well.
FORBES: Entrepreneurs: If You're In It For The Long-Term, Investors May Not Be Into You
Which would I prefer, a 5 hour trip (possible if there were direct flights) or a 14?
FORBES: All High Speed Rail Programs Must be Cancelled and the Numbers Calculated Again
The instrumentation of most operating systems or virtualization technology makes this sort of modeling possible, if not easy.
FORBES: Evaluating Energy Management Maturity: A Checklist for CIOs