The question is whether stricter regulation, or market forces, or a combination of the two, force the big banks to get smaller.
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Once these types of offers are presented, share value becomes more a reflection of the offer price than company fundamentals or market forces.
Investors should not rush to conclude that they or unforeseen market forces are entirely to blame for the poor results of their 401(k) accounts.
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The list of high-and-mighty companies cut down or brought low by market forces is a long one.
During peacetime, commodity standards (silver or gold) worked through market forces to achieve price stability, and thus safeguarded the purchasing power of money.
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Just so, consumers and producers can make sense of market forces without aid or explanation.
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It is especially bad in two areas that matter greatly: health care and education, where market forces are nonexistent or broken.
Like other forms of representation, architecture is the embodiment of the decisions that go into its making, not the result of impersonal forces, market or historical.
Are market forces, like hurricanes or tornados, out of our control?
All these wineries to a greater or lesser extent are subject to the same market forces.
Again, all-too-often investors rely exclusively upon the reassurances of the very culprits who recommended the strategies or investments in the first place to the effect that the demise of the investment or plan was due to uncontrollable, unforeseeable market forces.
Whether a particular sector should be regulated by government (via laws and so on) or whether it can be happily regulated by normal market forces (such things as reputation and so on) depends in part upon the costs of each method: the transactions costs.
Stagnant or declining gold production will be one of the main market forces supporting higher gold prices this year.
When politicians grant special favors to a certain industry or a particular union, such decisions necessarily mean that market forces are being replaced by special-interest deal-making.
Both created many millions of jobs by unleashing free market forces: firming up the dollar, cutting or maintaining low marginal tax rates, deregulating business, freeing trade, reforming welfare.
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Newt might even use the catchy saw (first sloganed by Northern Illinois Gas in 1972) the future belongs to the efficient, and that there are impressive market forces that advantage those who produce things efficiently or produce efficient things.
Not only would such an arrangement generate countervailing forces to doubly ensure that neither the U.S. nor Europe went off gold unilaterally in the future, it also immediately would create two competitive reserve currencies, which would bring market forces to bear to prevent shenanigans by either central bank or finance ministry and provide an indirect restraint on parliamentary borrowing.
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And because investors value liquidity, the bias of market forces is towards the consolidation of trading in one place, or at least to a place linked to many others.
The problem is that market forces should lead firms to either lower wages, reduce hiring, or substitute capital for labor, explained the Nomura economist.
The same logic applies to public subsidies for any good or service where producers enjoy significant monopoly power: Direct provision of public goods has market forces on its side, while subsidies for private purchases work against the market.
Few market theorists have detected supernatural forces at work in spurring the more-or-less straight line move that the major indexes have traced in recent weeks, even though the market has walked over every obstacle placed in its path, be it European debt, Egyptian unrest or good old-fashioned domestic unemployment.
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There are no market forces that shape the sector and no agreed-upon set of standards or measurements that unify it.
Subsidies and taxes, for good or bad, are usually implemented to achieve an outcome presently not revealing itself due to natural market forces.
The ingenuity of derivatives traders in adapting to both market forces and regulations may well send supervisors back to the drawing board in a decade or so.
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Market forces, not government regulation, should decide whether any particular neighborhood winds up being urban or suburban.
Rather than rely on top-down cuts imposed from Washington, both seniors and taxpayers would be far better served by relying on market forces to create the proper incentives for avoiding unnecessary care, paying too much for individual services, or vastly curtailing the fraud and abuse now rampant in Medicare.