So you could say Europe, U.S. and Japan are all about the same, 2.5% or something like that.
Because I know at one point he was chewing a gum or something like that.
This is 17 million that's maybe missed one meal a year or something like that.
" Haley shot him a quick glance, and Stott lowered his eyes: "Or something like that.
"I'm looking for the children that might be withdrawn or something like that, " says teacher Mike Brass.
The theory is the regular steel could chip, rust, and stain clothes or something like that.
FORBES: Posner Tees Off, Again, On Class-Action Lawyer Suing Sears
His speech on mutual funds that's referenced in the book was maybe in 1960 or something like that.
You guys -- they say the average kid has about five snacks a day or something like that.
It's grown to be the 20th- to 25th-biggest site in the world, or something like that right now.
The vagaries and inconsistences will make the various allocations add up to 95% or 105% or something like that.
FORBES: Sprint Uses Partnership Structure to Dodge Louisiana Corporate Tax
Mr. Moreland said something about hand blending, heritage molasses, oak casks, or something like that, but I wasn't really following.
It seems like I was just here, but it's been a hundred and seven, eight, nine days or something like that.
"We don't have trouble telling someone they're not suited to be a musician or football player or something like that, " Chapman says.
And the mathematics actually work, surprisingly, because the 3% up a year compounds to not 15%, but 17% or something like that.
My money is on bounty hunter, pirate, smuggler, or something like that.
FORBES: Commander Shepard Won't Be Coming Back for the Next Mass Effect
He said limestone set into the walls of the prison was believed to have come from "a Roman quay or something like that".
And was it -- can you say anything about was it a bedroom or a dining area or an open area or something like that?
Instead they would pay the firm 3% or something like that.
FORBES: Should We Care About Romney's Unreleased Tax Returns ?
So it -- just as if something happens in one of the federal parks here it might involve the National Park Service or something like that.
And when it all done: a sparkling new sign with a logo of the iconic NYC skyline over, or under, the word "Midtown, " or something like that.
But possibly we were checking more for the safety of the food, from the point of view that it wouldn't upset your tummy or something like that.
BBC: Horsemeat scandal: Council chief's rigorous test pledge
Mr Williamson told police he had an honorary degree from Cardiff University "in 1992, or something like that", as a result of designing a new type of scalpel.
The new ones (bottles) came at a time when his position was that he was sleeping in the living room next to his mother, or something like that.
Do you see any prospect at all for compromise on this, especially on the extension of the upper-bracket tax cut, perhaps a limited time or something like that?
To come out of that horror story, firstly alive, and secondly not stuck in a wheelchair or something like that, I mean, goodness me, how lucky can you be.
"Usually when you think of black, you think of a sleek Ferrari or something like that, " he says, standing in front of a wall of the room's cantilevered bookshelves.
Dr. TRENBERTH: Well, you know, people say maybe the science has settled if you look at Al Gore's movie or something like that and, you know, we need to do something.
' And the risk is the terrorist ends up being able to ask that, the risk is that the terrorists then changes their behavior, goes into hiding or something like that.
NPR: Privacy Groups Sound Warning on Homeland Security Database
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