Yet surely there had been something else, another music inside the public proclamations, and there must have been those who could hear more than the facts, gifted listeners who could pick out the subtleties in the way one bell worked against the others, say, or in the pauses when one ringer stopped, weary or undecided, or touched with the knowledge of imminent mortality.
In fact when voters who said they favored other candidates or were undecided were asked whether they had definitely ruled out switching to Bush, 72 percent said they had -- a rise of five points this week.
As has been widely noted, much of the electorate seems locked into one side or the other in this campaign, and the share of voters truly undecided or still floating between the candidates isn't large.
While only 5% of Protestants don't intend to vote or haven't decided which option they would pick, more than a quarter of Catholics are either undecided or not planning on voting.
BBC: Opinion poll indicates NI voters would reject Irish unity
On the question of what platform has the highest future revenue potential. 64% cited iOS, 5% said Android and the rest were undecided or did not feel comfortable answering the question.
Only 3.7 percent were undecided or had no opinion.
FORBES: CFOs: Hiring plans unaffected by ruling on Affordable Care Act
In their attempt to pass a sweeping health care overhaul this weekend, House Democrats are pushing a package of legislative fixes to lure undecided or opposed members of their party to the "yes" category.
Roughly 20% of voters in that race said they were undecided or wobbling several months out but that number tightened to 14% after Labor Day, according to a New York Times poll at the time.
The longer it takes a business leader or a section manager, for example, to acknowledge his or her mistake, the more likely the undecided folks will turn against him or her.
Whether or not you are a Republican or a Democrat or one of the many undecided independents out there, a brittle democracy should be cause for concern.
FORBES: How Republican Trifectas Across the Country Could Change American Politics
If you are an undecided Scot, or hail from a part of the UK other than England, there is advice available from the Labour leader (scroll down if you can't wait).
In comparison to the general public, there is a higher percentage (16%) of the affluent who report being undecided about voting for Romney or Obama.
FORBES: Some Surprises in New Survey Showing Presidential Candidates Favored by the Wealthy
For conflict to exist, there must be at least two points of view, or stories, between which we are undecided as to which to believe.
Such a huge floating vote is now a feature of Japanese politics, and the only way candidates feel they can catch the attention of the great undecided is to be outspoken or even outrageous.
As both parties point out, barely a tenth of the electorate is still undecided, compared with a third or more in previous years.
Although I'm undecided as to whether I agree or disagree with Michael's "point", I am most definitely diaagree with the argument made by Elizabeth.
And, administration sources tell CNN there are tentative plans for an announcement later this week on Capitol Hill featuring a handful or more of Democratic lawmakers who are still publicly undecided on the controversial issue.
CNN: White House steps up lobbying effort for China trade bill
The survey indicates 43% of members strongly or likely support the merger, 13% are strongly or likely opposed to it, and another 44% are undecided.
Undecided voters usually break for the challenger by two or three to one (because people likely to back the well-known incumbent have already made up their minds to do so).
As long as the Germans remain undecided about whether they are ready for more reforms or prefer to keep muddling through, a new vote could well produce the same inconclusive result as the last one.
ECONOMIST: Doubts are growing about Angela Merkel, at least at home
The Research 2000 poll, which carries a sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, also shows 6 percent remain undecided in Missouri.
Bounces tend to occur when undecided voters switch to a candidate, but with so few truly undecided voters in our polls, there was little room for a bounce for Obama or McCain.