Until then, we'd love to hear what you'd like to see changed in your News Feed, or what beloved features you don't want touched.
Mr. NARIMAN BEHRAVESH (Chief Economist, Global Insight): I think we'll see people taking some of those savings, if you will, or what they don't need to spend on gasoline, on discretionary items like eating out and, you know, going to a game, going to a concert.
You know, nothing is harder right now to getting insurance than if you are self-employed or you work for a small business, because what happened is you don't have enough workers for the insurance company to really want your business.
"I think we're close to the point where, instead of a dietitian saying, 'Eat less fat, eat more fruits and vegetables, ' they could figure out what foods you do or don't like with a survey or genetic test, " says John Hayes, a professor of food science at Penn State and lead author of a 2010 study showing supertasters' preference for salt.
But if you're someone who's bought a piece of technology that you can't use or you don't know how to fully use, what should you do?
Ms. MICHELE SHANNON (Senior Director of Product Development, Websense, Inc.): What a lot of companies will do is they'll say, I'll allow you to go to your travel sites or your shopping sites, but what I don't want you to do is spend all day dong it.
Look, the President -- again, I don't have specifics for you -- or I don't have specifics I will give you today on what the President will propose.
"When you get to 60 you think about things that you don't when you're 58 or 59, one of these is what's the epitaph going to read, " he says.
You don't see what's going off to either side - or the big picture - and I don't think that's a good thing.
And you don't know who is credible or what information is credible anymore.
But what if you don't worship the sun or relish a long-distance move?
But issues such as anger, stress, fear of people living in the same placement, feeling "you don't get what you want or need in your placement", not being listened to, being scared and getting away from bullies were felt to justify the risks associated with running away.
That there are people out there willing to kill you just because you don't think the way they do or believe what they believe.
That means full Twitter and Facebook integration, with sidebars to outline what your friends or contacts are watching at that very moment, so you don't end up feeling left out when your office's favorite show is discussed at the water cooler the next day.
"You just don't really know what to think about this or how to react, " she said.
So earmuffs if you don't want to know what happens in the book or the movie.
No matter what the circumstances are you don't want to lose games, or lose them in that style, so I think that's the main focus for everyone.
If you're already a fan of talk radio or you're curious about what kinds of programs are available in free podcasts but don't know where to begin, Stitcher's Smart Station will almost surely surface several shows that will pique your interest.
"Buzzed or blitzed, it doesn't matter what you call it, if you're drinking, don't drive, " NTSB Chairwoman Deborah Hersman told reporters Tuesday.
But because of the way they've come about, what you don't tend to get from traditional measures is neatness, order or scientific rigour.
On the other hand, if you don't want to be isolated from the larger community, hate fiddling with gate swipe cards and don't want to be told what color to paint your mailbox or whether you can park a recreational vehicle in your driveway, then gated communities are probably not for you.
They don't know sometimes this is just politics what you guys -- or folks on my side do sometimes.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
Mr Yates said if, generically speaking, someone is investigated with an ongoing conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, "what you don't do" is put the person investigated "on notice" or tell that person to turn up at the police station with the necessary papers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Key points: Cash-for-honours hearing
What is also true is that the plight of the Palestinians is something that we have to pay attention to, because it is not good for our security and it is not good for Israel's security if you've got millions of individuals who feel hopeless, who don't have an opportunity to get an education or get a job or what have you.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
"I don't think you can judge what Bush would've done in other circumstances or what Obama will still do in the circumstances he faces by looking at the statements the two have made".
And what he will make clear is that you don't -- this is not an either-or proposition.
If you don't have time or the stomach to brave the mall, stores themselves will pick out what you should buy.
But ultimately you don't know if you're getting the candidate's own views or just hearing what his team of strategists came up with.
And you know what, if my daughter or yours looks to somebody like they're not a citizen, I don't want to empower somebody like that.