Cymuned will be submitting written and oral evidence to the assembly's housing and culture committees on 7 November.
He told Ms Ellman that he had instructed regular coastguards to decline the committee's invitation to give oral evidence.
The inquiry has heard oral evidence from representatives of the Home Office, the police, civil liberties groups and academics.
Gill Bellord, head of pay and negotiations for NHS Employers, said the organisation would be giving oral evidence to the Pay Review Body over the next week.
Bus users, consumer groups, passenger transport executives and key consultants open the oral evidence for the Transport Committee inquiry examining competition in the local bus market at 10.05am.
Ms Ellman said that during the meetings in Falmouth coastguards who were union representatives were being allowed by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency to give oral evidence to the committee in their union capacity, but not as individuals.
It includes the full presumption of innocence until proven guilty, public trial by jury, the hearing of oral evidence in open court and the creation of a prosecution service that is independent, rather than an arm of the police.
The Calman Commission, due to publish its conclusions in 2009, released the interim report after seven months of work, involving more than 160 written submissions and more than 30 oral evidence sessions and public sessions across Scotland and in Newcastle.
This would apply not only to evidence directly obtained under the convention, but also to any oral testimony derived from that evidence.
There is also evidence that oral contraceptives decrease the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer, but that they increase the risk of liver cancer in women who are otherwise considered at low risk for the disease.
If the IRS is convinced by oral or written statements or other supporting evidence and a reasonable approximation can be made, you may be entitled to the expense despite your lack of documentation.
In their legal challenge, the two groups claim the inspector failed to take into account a key expert's oral testimony the harm would be greater than he first indicated in his written evidence.
They claimed the inspector failed to take into account key expert Dr Jonathan Edis's oral testimony that the harm would be greater than he first indicated in his written evidence.
"All the evidence tells us that these solutions will help to reduce the risk for those taking oral Methotrexate and ultimately save lives, " she said.
While oral contraceptives have a good safety record (and Barr Laboratories' trial of 1, 400 women showed no evidence that Seasonale is riskier than conventional contraceptive pills, except for a higher incidence of irregular bleeding in the first few months of use), Dr Hitchcock is keen to see women exercise caution when it comes to prolonged use of anything containing sex hormones.