He launched a Welsh government five-year plan to improve oral health in Cardiff on Monday.
BBC: Tooth decay in children too high, says chief dental officer
We also see a lot of what we call "oral health athletes, " who are overzealous about flossing.
Upon graduation, the dental education community certifies that new dentists are competent to independently provide oral health care.
The National Oral Health Plan says over 9, 600 children underwent a general anaesthetic for tooth extraction in 2010-11.
BBC: Tooth decay in children too high, says chief dental officer
Of course, all this "good news" about candy only applies to oral health.
However, most dental disease is preventable and many of the findings in this detailed report reinforce key existing oral health promotion messages.
" But if you're a farmer, "you're looking for herbal, natural, green or Chinese herbs, some kind of regimen to help your oral health.
The results showed that respiratory function declined as oral health worsened.
Today, Dr. Branam is chairman and majority stockholder of Branam Oral Health Technologies, a company with four dental products for sale in about 1, 000 retail stores nationwide.
WSJ: When It's Time for a Small Business to Bring in a Professional CEO
Academics will work with the Scottish Dental Practice Based Research Network, and dental practitioners, to put their research findings into practice through better dental and oral health care.
The review team, including oral health professionals and led by Professor Jimmy Steele of Newcastle's School of Dental Sciences, will study current provision and report in the spring.
It was carried out by the Cardiff University School of Dentistry and Public Health Wales and was published by the Welsh Oral Health Information Unit which is run from the university.
BBC: Tooth decay in children too high, says chief dental officer
Prof Hector's feelings were echoed by Professor Jeremy Bagg, head of the dental school at the University of Glasgow, who has been involved in developing the Scottish Oral Health Research Strategy.
Daily oral care plays a part in overall oral health and data on how an insurance holder cares for his or her teeth could be valuable and insurance companies might be interested in partnering with BEAM to get that intel, he explained.
However, taking oral oestrogen pills caused significant health problems by overdosing the liver.
The law requires coverage of not only basic pediatric services under all new health plans, but also oral and vision needs for children, starting in 2014.
More than 3, 200 of Harrington's patients were screened for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C after health investigators found sterilization violations and other infractions at the oral surgeon's office.
CNN: Dozens of Okla. dentist's patients positive for hepatitis
Some 10 million people in the United States -- most of them women -- have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and an estimated 4.7 million take oral bisphosphonates, according to a 2009 study in the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacists.
While he was health minister last year, the populist Naoto Kan announced that the Health and Welfare Ministry was in the process of lifting the ban on oral contraceptives.
But guidelines from the World Health Organization indicate that 85% to 90% of cancer patients could have their pain controlled by oral medications.
And every health insurance plan in the Marketplace will cover a standard set of essential health benefits that includes, among other benefits, hospital stays, prescription drug coverage, preventive services, oral and vision care for kids.