Moreover, the agency has said the rest of the orbiter was otherwise operating normally.
To snap the photos, the orbiter had to be pointed off of its normal, straight-down view.
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Even the reconnaissance orbiter had to wait until sunlight streamed to the northern lunar region.
The American orbiter will deliver the main section of the Japanese Kibo science lab.
Other launches have followed, including of an orbiter capable of transmitting images of, and to, Earth.
Only Europe, which operates the Mars Express orbiter, has had beginner's luck on Mars.
Ikaros was launched as a piggy-back mission to Japan's Akatsuki Venus orbiter on 20 May (GMT).
This puts Mars Climate Orbiter into an altogether different (and more embarrassing) class of space mishaps.
Some said the earth-imaging orbiter, launched three years ago, wanted to emigrate, just as many Egyptians do.
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Scientists studying images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have discovered the remains of an ancient Martian lake.
It was used as a coolant to remove heat from the electrical systems on the orbiter engines.
ExoMars and its smaller cousin could be targeted at the Methane sources identified by the 2016 orbiter.
It will mean China is fully capable of transferring human and cargo to an orbiter in space.
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The orbiter broke apart February 1, minutes after experiencing problems with its left wing during a re-entry attempt.
Europe entered the Mars race in 2003 with the Mars Express Orbiter and the Beagle 2 lander.
The 2016 orbiter will try to track down the sources of methane that have been observed at Mars.
The final orbiter to launch before the whole fleet goes into retirement will be Endeavour on 31 May, 2010.
The Golden Orbiter and the Skysplitter were the first two on his roster.
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Also consider using aircraft to provide additional views of the orbiter during ascent.
Japan got in on the Mars action in 1998 with the Nozomi orbiter, but the spacecraft failed to communicate.
Also, Columbia is due for an overhaul (or, as NASA insists on calling it: OMDP -- Orbiter Modification Downtime Period).
Commemorations will also be held in some of the towns where the orbiter's wreckage rained down that bright Saturday morning.
But then, on September 30th, it emerged that the loss of Mars Climate Orbiter was not so mysterious after all.
The Odyssey orbiter first reported in 2001 that the region was rich in water ice, mostly in the form of permafrost.
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Months after the back-to-back, mission-ending dives, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter flew over the crash sites and imaged the final resting spots.
With Piccard and Jones aboard, the Breitling Orbiter 3 landed about 640 kilometers (400 miles) southwest of Cairo on Sunday.
After the loss of Mars Climate Orbiter in September, an investigation board was set up to determine what had gone wrong.
Among Lockheed's other projects was Mars Climate Orbiter which, in 1999, did not so much orbit Mars as slam into it.
The 15-day mission will be the 35th orbiter flight to the station.
In 1966, Orbiter 1 was launched from Cape Kennedy and became the first spacecraft to transmit Lunar photographs of possible landing sites.