Borrowman pointed out a distinctive pale-grey saddle patch behind the dorsal fin and identified the orca as one he sees frequently: a 43-year-old male known as A38.
The six-tonne orca died on Friday from suspected pneumonia in the Norwegian bay where he had been living out his days since his release from captivity.
The Phoenician explorer Pytheas sailed along the British coast in about 250BC and "mentioned a place called Orca where there were waves of immense size", said the website.
So strong are the family bonds that a male orca has a 14 times greater chance of dying in the year after his mother dies because of his struggle to feed himself.
Inspired by the films, an international campaign began in 1993 to free Keiko and return him to the wild - the first orca whale to be freed in this way.
Matt Carter, a teacher at Orca K-8 School in Seattle, has joined in the boycott because he thinks the MAP exam wastes his student's time and does not help guide his teaching.
Along the way, it garnered a few citations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and some negative publicity in 2010 when an orca whale killed a trainer in front of a live audience in Orlando.
Glick 55, came up with the idea for Jinni six years ago after spending 20 years as an engineer at Oracle and Israeli tech company Orca working on building electronic guides for pay TV operators in Europe.
Weaving its way through a maze of broccoli-coloured islands in waters where Orca whales can be spotted during the summer months, the journey crosses the invisible frontier between the urban frenzy of Seattle and the soporific rhythms of the Puget Sound, the inland sea in which the San Juan Islands are located .