Order No. 17, a law issued by the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq before the Iraqis regained sovereignty in June 2004, gave the companies immunity from Iraqi prosecution.
The Federal Electricity Regulatory Commission (FERC) passed a rule last week, Order No. 1000, that aims to facilitate the building of transmission infrastructure, the wires that bring us electricity from the power plant or other generation device.
On July 15, 1996, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order No. 13010, in which he identified eight infrastructure systems critical to the nation's survival: telecommunications, electric power systems, oil and gas storage, transportation, banking and finance, storage and transportation, water supply systems, and emergency services (including medical, police, fire and rescue, and continuity of government).
"Of all the issues I heard while in Asia, getting our fiscal house in order was No. 1, " said Sen.
In anticipation, PSG reportedly is already contemplating increasing its pre-order of No. 32 Beckham jerseys, with early estimates that the team has already under-ordered.
For that matter, even across the river into New Jersey, the New York restraining order has no effect.
Sports have bureaucratic structures: national and international associations, which have police powers to insure standardization, and which organize competitions and tournaments in order to produce No. 1 teams and world champions.
New York Yankees management thought it would be a good idea to identify players by where they hit in the batting order, hence No. 3 was issued to Babe Ruth, No. 4 to Lou Gehrig.
It's CNN.com's 10 biggest tech trends of the year, listed in no particular order.
It can rear its ugly head at friends, colleagues, celebrities, bosses, family members, and perfect strangers (in no particular order).
FORBES: Help! My Work Friend Got Promoted -- and I'm Jealous
As trout season opens around the U.S., a thought experiment on the top 10 flyfishing states in the country, listed in no particular order.
So without further ado, here is my analysis of the major CxO stocks (and CxO-level VP titles), as of early 2012, in no particular order.
New York and San Francisco will be the first US and cities online for Shutl, followed by Chicago, Philadelphia, Montreal, Toronto, Atlanta, Washington DC, Houston, Miami and Boston, in no particular order.
FORBES: The Faster-than-the-Speed-of-Light Messenger Service
They are in no particular order.
FORBES: Five Programs You Must Know About If You're a Veteran Entrepreneur
FORBES: What Engineering Challenges Is Pinterest Facing As It Scales?
FORBES: Cloud Based Accounting For Small Biz? We Don't Have An App For That.
For a majority of small shopkeepers, no order is too small and no house too far.
The storm was warning us off, but the captain gave no order to change course.
Petraeus, who was the CIA director then, said he gave no order not to respond.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A hard slog to get Benghazi answers
The Soviets were ahead of us and we had some catching up to do in order to make our brand No. 1 in the category.
FORBES: Is the Demise of NASA a Failure of Science or a Failure of Marketing?
Charles Schumer, D-New York, the leading proponent of appointing a special counsel in the matter, failed in an attempt Thursday to win Senate backing of a resolution endorsing the idea when the measure was ruled out of order and no vote was taken.
You just make sure everything is in order and there are no glaring errors.
She charged 103 local officials with negligence, but has no power to order fresh investigations.
Since the law enabling the councils to impose curfews on ten-year-olds was enacted, no curfew order has been issued.