• The robot takes the huge order, has a look at the order book, looks at the recent flow of trading, does some math and starts slipping bits of the order out into the market in digestible pieces.

    FORBES: How To Regulate Robots With Fat Fingers

  • When queried by a new piece of text, the database retrieves the appropriate bits of speech and assembles them in the right order.

    ECONOMIST: Learning the meaning

  • Mr McCreevy will have to unpick important bits of the budget in order to get it through parliament next month.

    ECONOMIST: Ireland

  • The concept of taking a finished game and hacking it to bits in order to milk more cash out of it does make you want to bang your head against a wall, and is a horribly greedy turn the industry has taken in recent years.

    FORBES: The Day DLC Went Too Far

  • There's also the more expected bits -- things like keeping track of your motorcar's location in order to retrieve it after a long, confusing day at Disneyland, but the real magic here is the promise of what's to come.

    ENGADGET: Automatic Link converts your iPhone into a personal driving assistant (video)

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