Why would pragmatic, hard-charging, achievement-driven leaders pause in order to accelerate performance and growth?
The cyclists could also drink large amounts of water, or inject themselves with saline solution, in order to accelerate the fading of the glow.
BBC: Lance Armstrong: Tyler Hamilton on 'how US Postal cheated'
Its role is to reinforce political will in order to accelerate progress towards Education for All, strengthen partnerships, identify priorities and mobilize more resources.
The main expected outcomes of the HLG in Dakar are key policy recommendations for adoption and implementations by policy-makers in order to accelerate progress towards achieving the EFA and other related development goals.
Now, given that the severe recession of 2008-2009 was caused by a sudden fall in demand, and given that demand and NGDP are the same thing, it would make sense for the Fed to increase NGDP in order to accelerate the economic recovery.
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In particular, in order to accelerate the removal of non-performing loans from their balance sheets, banks are further asked to take specific measures to dispose, in essence, of half of such loans within a year and a large part (around 80%) within two years.
Over the last 30 months, my i-GATE efforts have created a proactive, two-way link between national laboratories and entrepreneurs, industry, innovation networks, venture capital firms, universities, business support services, and economic development resources in order to accelerate the commercialization of innovative energy technologies and grow a cohesive innovation ecosystem.
Looking to build stockpiles with prices low, the Chinese government has begun to accelerate its purchases in order to supply its growing needs ahead of the curve.
These partnerships focus administrative connection and researcher interaction through the i-GATE consortium in order to leverage technology transfer, accelerate commercialization, assist workforce development and training, and increase innovation.
"The aircraft had to be able to land and take off in 125 meters, it also had to have a very low noise output and the aircraft needed to be able to accelerate rapidly up to 350 mph in order to get point to point at low level very quickly, " said Avcen managing director Mike Dacre.
In addition, the President is directing the Department of Defense -- which buys about 95 million pounds of beef, 65 million pounds of pork, and 500, 000 pounds of lamb each year -- to explore ways to encourage its vendors to accelerate purchases of beef, pork, and lamb in order to buy more now and freeze it for later.
Ford wants to also accelerate development of global vehicles that share similar underpinnings, in order to squeeze out even more savings from engineering, manufacturing and marketing.
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So in order to repair this damage, in order to create the jobs to meet the large need, we need to accelerate our economic growth so that we are producing jobs at a faster pace.
Competition for Netflix in the U.S. has started to accelerate and the company will need to step on the gas pedal of innovation and content acquisition in order to stay ahead.
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