And our troops put themselves at risk oftentimes in order to reduce civilian casualties.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
You want to miss that first 10% to the upside in order to reduce risk.
The IMF said earlier this year that growth needed to reach 8% in order to reduce poverty.
Recently, however, many elected officials have voted to end energy subsidies in order to reduce the budget.
However, it is looking to maintain lean inventories in order to reduce merchandise markdowns, thereby sustaining margins.
More policies aimed directly at decreasing teenage pregnancy may be needed in order to reduce teen births.
Mr Vajpayee wants to assuage foreign wrath in order to reduce the impact and duration of sanctions.
In order to reduce such worries the Commission set out a number of hurdles prospective bidders must clear.
BBC: The watchdog's report could spark further bids for the LSE
In 2007, both Newt Gingrich and John McCain wanted a cap-and-trade program in order to reduce carbon emissions.
The U.S. and Europe face serious and highly unpopular structural reforms in order to reduce its debt burdens.
Banks would be required to hive off their swaps businesses, in order to reduce their exposure to potential losses.
Yet that is one tack James Woolsey is trying in order to reduce his country's dependence on imported oil.
When the court found against Chee, and asked if he would apologize in order to reduce damages, he refused.
There are excellent arguments in favour of taxing in order to reduce the occurrence of smoking, excessive boozing and obesity.
FORBES: Alcohol, Obesity and Smoking Do Not Cost Health Care Systems Money
During the summer, Democrats were pressured to vote on a budget that increased taxes in order to reduce the deficit.
Structural funds are allocated in order to reduce regional disparities in terms of income, wealth and opportunities amongst European union members.
Unidentified Woman: They say we need to limit Medicare expenditures in order to do that, in order to reduce the deficit.
However, there is no recommendation for people to start taking NSAIDS long-term in order to reduce their chances of developing the disease.
How about fasting before chemotherapy treatment in order to reduce side effects?
During the 1990s companies placed a greater emphasis on non-regular workers, often reducing or freezing the hiring of regular workers, in order to reduce costs.
Earlier this month, the Premier League granted Portsmouth permission to sell players outside the transfer window in order to reduce their wage bill.
Carriers will need to strike the proper balance between rising data traffic and plan fees in order to reduce strain on their networks.
FORBES: Sprint Looks At 15% Stock Upside On New Pricing Plan
For the reality is that in order to reduce distortions we want to have lower taxes on capital than we do on incomes.
We understand that sacrifice is required of everyone in order to reduce our national debt, but the sacrifice should be shared by all.
FSA, said the paper, was intending to review or even eliminate the grey zone, in order to reduce the number of personal bankruptcies.
In order to reduce shake, the company customized Optical Image Stabilization (OIS), which detects a camera's movement with a built-in gyroscope, compensating accordingly.
ENGADGET: Nokia's Damian Dinning goes in-depth on phase two of PureView for the Lumia 920 (video)
The thrill-ride expert says that during the recent recession, theme parks around the world went into maintenance-only modes in order to reduce operating costs.
"We will reform the corporate tax system by simplifying reliefs and allowances, and tackling avoidance, in order to reduce headline rates, " said Mr Osborne.
And, during the Kennedy Administration, the Fed sold T-bills and purchased an equal amount of longer dated T-Notes in order to reduce long-term rates.
FORBES: Peeking Into Ben Bernanke's Bag Of Unconventional Monetary Weapons
But the reality is this: you need to speak solemnly, deliberately and enunciate properly in order to reduce the number of errors you see.