Either way, the assets grow tax-deferred and withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income, not capital gain.
She has no capital at risk (obviously) and pays the ordinary income tax rate.
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If the trust uses variable annuities, every penny paid will be taxed as ordinary income.
The 35% top rate on salary and other ordinary income is well below its historic average.
Should these profits be taxed as capital gains, ordinary income, or some of each?
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Keep in mind that tax rates on ordinary income were relatively low in 2011.
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The tactic changes fees taxed at ordinary income rates into more favorably taxed capital gains.
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Circumventing the first taxable event and reclassifying ordinary income as capital gains would be improper.
As a collectible, if your gain is short-term, then it is taxed as ordinary income.
The annual income from the bonds, if held, will be taxed higher as ordinary income.
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The professional or amateur status of an inventor is relevant, since professional inventors earn ordinary income.
That would be far below the rate on ordinary income, which Democrats would restore to 39.6 percent.
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What rationale there was for more real estate generating ordinary income taxes at 30% is beyond me.
They will all be taxed at ordinary income tax rates, which can be as high as 44.6%.
Myopically, I wonder whether the star will pay ordinary income or capital gain on all that revenue?
This is because when you convert to Roth, you pay ordinary income tax on every investment converted.
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Dividends and carried interest taxed would be taxed at ordinary income tax rates for high income taxpayers.
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Many have suggested this is too low and should be the same rate as tax on ordinary income.
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It would tax capital gains and dividends at ordinary income rates and eliminate most deductions, credits, and exclusions.
And if it is an IRA CD, then 100% of each dollar is taxed at ordinary income rates.
In many cases for inventors and flow through entities, IP can produce capital gain rather than ordinary income.
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That interest is taxed at high "ordinary income" rates--close to 40% if you are in the top federal bracket.
Tax deferral backfires when it converts dividends and long-term gains taxable at 15% into ordinary income taxable at 35%.
All salaries paid out of this management fee are taxed as ordinary income.
The highest AMT rate is 28%, versus 39.6% for ordinary income tax rates.
He had lots of ordinary income from his portfolio alongside big trading losses.
If the market's up at the end of five years, you get a premium, also taxed as ordinary income.
But federal taxes on salary and other ordinary income are comparatively low now.
Gone are the questions for shareholders about which gains could be taxed as capital gain rather than ordinary income.
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If the repeal passes, carried interest income will be re-characterized as ordinary income.
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