He quotes extensively from letters and diaries of ordinary workers writing home to their families.
In October 2011, real wages for ordinary workers were 6.7% lower than they had been 39 years before.
Either way, ordinary workers, whom health mandates were designed to help, will suffer.
But the American people support Social Security and Medicare, and they support an economy that creates jobs for ordinary workers.
Mr Hollande himself said that at a time when ordinary workers were struggling, high earners could "make this effort for two years".
Traditionally, ordinary workers were at a disadvantage in this game, since unreimbursed employee business expenses are harder to deduct than self-employed business expenses.
Simon Hughes said businesses should be made to disclose the pay of their highest earners and that ordinary workers should be given more of a say in deciding executive remuneration.
We need to restore the bargaining power that labor has lost over the last 30 years, so that ordinary workers as well as superstars have the power to bargain for good wages.
Populist leaders like the former African National Congress (ANC) Youth League leader Julius Malema have portrayed the NUM leadership as greedy fat cats, out of touch with the struggles of ordinary workers.
Ordinary workers are feeling the pain, too.
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But, at bottom it is a replica of America in an earlier stage, where ordinary factory workers borrowing very little from private sources at very high rates of interest, became financially independent entrepreneurs.
"Instead of matching them on the cuts they should be articulating a clear alternative and speaking up for public sector workers and ordinary people in society, " he said.
But in Japan many buyers of luxury goods have been ordinary middle-class office workers, some of whom save up for years.
But it is not clear that this is the kind of victory that ordinary delivery men applaud, or that will spur workers in other companies to rush to join a union.
Also on the table: ending agriculture subsidies, increasing the gas tax, taxing capital gains and interest as ordinary income, reducing some of the spending in the new health care law and freezing pay for government workers.
Ordinary Americans with a dream to start their own business, they create most of the jobs that keep our workers employed.
WHITEHOUSE: Helping Small Businesses Grow and Create New Jobs
However, as soon as these immigrants became part of the ordinary workforce they no longer compared their wages with what they might have earned in the Caribbean but with other workers and the wage advantage was eroded.
At the same time, we must ensure that ordinary citizens in all countries benefit from trade -- trade that promotes the dignity of work, the rights of workers, the protection of the environment.