' laughs Kurt Wiesenmaier, a 27-year-old New Yorker, who has organised the dinner for his mother's birthday.
More than 3, 300 people have so far signed a council-organised petition against the plans.
Ms Hughes also said there were intelligence-led efforts to tackle organised gangs of "people smugglers".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Immigration checks move to France
But the U's were swamped in midfield by a well-organised Wrexham side and struggled for chances.
Russian money has poured into London, but it is feared organised crime is accompanying it.
The commission said off-roaders should keep to organised clubs and not use forests without proper permission.
It is organised by the Creative Network and includes gallery exhibitions, demonstrations and 10 open studios.
Health professionals usually say the best and most effective initiatives are designed and organised locally.
Organised opposition to traditional "Protestant" parades through what were now mainly Catholic areas had begun.
The internet makes it easy for multinational pressure-groups to get organised, and Anglicans are no exception.
It follows two days of raids by officers targeting drug dealers and serious organised crime.
Moran had been relaxing by the pool before the raid, Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency said.
The party organised outside St George's Hall is set for 18:00 BST the same day.
"Ballymena were well organised and hard to break down, " said Linfield manager David Jeffrey.
If nothing else, however, the task force has succeeded in starting an organised debate.
ECONOMIST: Planning for change in America's most expensive state
"It's a very good mela, very well organised, " says Shambhu Lal, who lives in Banda district.
These can be parked anywhere, but those in motor vehicles are restricted to organised stopping places.
Piracy also nurtures organised crime across the world, and it stunts investment, growth and jobs.
The meeting, at the town hall on Wednesday, was organised by the district council.
BBC: Bridgwater residents 'insulted' by Tesco over store plans
The 37-page plan also includes objectives to disrupt organised crime and tackle rural crime.
BBC: Thames Valley PCC says crime plan targets are 'realistic'
An itinerary like this, while epic, can be done in comfort on an organised tour.
Mr Seselj organised Serbian paramilitary units during the recent wars in Croatia and Bosnia.
BBC: News | Europe | Nationalist leader kicked out of Bosnia
To get some perspective on organised crime and illegal gambling, I contacted Joe Pistone.
The meeting was jointly organised and funded by UNESCO and the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO.
UNESCO: Secteur de la culture - Patrimoine immat��riel - Convention 2003
"We have got a multi-agency team looking at these organised crime groups, " he said.
The award is organised by Dublin city libraries on behalf of Dublin City Council.
Traders have organised live music and events to try to entice Saturday shoppers back.
He quickly organised documentary registration for purposes of allocation of the traditional meeting spaces.
Richard Leonard, who organised the petition, said there were already enough coffee shops on the road.
Liverpool are very disciplined and well organised in terms of knowing how to defend.