Russian money has poured into London, but it is feared organised crime is accompanying it.
It follows two days of raids by officers targeting drug dealers and serious organised crime.
Moran had been relaxing by the pool before the raid, Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency said.
Piracy also nurtures organised crime across the world, and it stunts investment, growth and jobs.
The 37-page plan also includes objectives to disrupt organised crime and tackle rural crime.
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To get some perspective on organised crime and illegal gambling, I contacted Joe Pistone.
"We have got a multi-agency team looking at these organised crime groups, " he said.
Investigators are trying to find out if the incidents are linked to organised crime gangs.
The Organised Crime Task Force was announced by the secretary of state in September 2000.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Clampdown on illegal fuel
The new National Crime Agency would "tackle organised crime and protect our borders", Mrs May claimed.
Deborah Reynolds, CIMA Branch President, said organised crime had a direct impact on the business community.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Record ?10m crime assets targeted
The Europol-funded hub will focus on the activities of organised crime and other cyber-attackers.
"There are Central American migrants in the organised crime groups that kidnap migrants, " Mr Plascencia said.
"Assume organised crime knows about this, assume they will be selling it anyway, " he said.
By contrast, asylum, immigration and organised crime might better be tackled with common policies.
Most southerners accept that aid has failed and that organised crime has been toxic.
The repeal of prohibition in America turned organised crime's focus from booze to drugs.
Mr Cardozo said Sao Paulo's 160, 000 police officers would be enough to combat organised crime.
There is a power struggle between the organised crime bosses of the city and the Joker.
In the Soviet Union, there was also organised crime, but it was largely hidden.
Montenegro gets a special pat on the back for its fight against organised crime.
Violent and organised crime becoming involved in smuggling, especially in the vicinity of the Channel ports.
But five years into the war on organised crime, the relevant laws have not passed.
ECONOMIST: Mexico��s do-nothing legislature: The siesta congress | The
In 1999 it began allowing the use of electronic eavesdropping to combat organised crime.
ECONOMIST: Asia's criminal underworld: Love, money and revenge | The
Charles Clarke has said in particular these demands are fighting terrorism and serious organised crime.
The National Criminal Intelligence Service has highlighted the use of mobile phones in organised crime.
Bulgaria remains one of the poorest countries in the EU, and corruption and organised crime is rife.
The anti-mafia movement in Sicily is heartening, but organised crime has spread to the north as well.
Many Bolivians came to accept coca eradication in the Chapare as a necessary attack on organised crime.
The local police are underpaid, overstretched and no match for the organised crime gangs running the business.