So, how much money did the Fed print to help finance this orgy of borrowing?
Social media networks, rather than bringing people together, encourage nothing so much as an orgy of self-congratulation.
FORBES: The Twitter Sex Approval Matrix: Do It in Provo, Abstain in New York
Contrarians become interested in a sector, of course, when everyone else is engaged in an orgy of pessimism.
Nearly every one of South Korea's 50 largest firms is overburdened with debt after an orgy of expansion.
The match took place at Headingley, in Leeds, in July 1981, and its 20th anniversary promises an orgy of nostalgia.
In retrospect, it is clear that this was dangerously self-serving for the banks, prompting them into a perilous orgy of greed.
The world may consider Carnival an orgy of feathers and flesh.
Having logged those thousand hours, Pozner can attest that reality shows have a tendency to blur together into a single orgy of joy and disappointment and recrimination.
Then they moved to a courtyard, or to a room across the courtyard from where your family lived, and, eventually, like the big Roman-orgy kitchens, to the cellar.
Washington's been going in for an orgy of regulation in the wake of the high-tech bubble's bursting and the corporate scandals of the early part of this decade.
Max Mosley is suing Google in France and Germany in an attempt to force the internet company to monitor and censor search results about his alleged sado-masochistic orgy.
Pakistan had entered the nuclear age and for a country with so little to celebrate the day became an orgy of patriotic fervour when everyday worries could be forgotten.
Egypt's main stockmarket index has sunk by a third since January, and a crash in property values, after an orgy of speculation in the mid-1990s, has landed banks with substantial bad debts.
John Wilkes, of the Hell-Fire Club, faced a similar dilemma during the Gordon Riots of 1780, when an anti-Catholic demonstration in London escalated into an orgy of burning and looting.
But when news spread that Hitler had survived, the plot crumbled and von Stauffenberg, von Kleist's father, and scores of others were arrested and executed in an orgy of revenge killings.
To give a week's personal food orgy some semblance of structure, I will cite three extraordinary restaurants, one from Bologna's past, one from the present and one on the leading edge of the future.
She even wonders whether the orgy of admiration could do more harm than good, dividing disabled people in the public mind between "those wonderful athletes", and those who have fallen short of the paralympian ideal.
Amanda Knox, the 24-year-old American former college student convicted, along with her Italian boyfriend, of killing her roommate in Perugia, Italy, in an alleged drug-fueled orgy gone wrong, could be cleared of the crime on appeal as early as Monday.
The current rulemaking orgy comes as three out of four investors can't define an "expense ratio" and two-thirds think "no-load" funds are free (in truth, they don't charge a fee to start an account, but they do take annual charges for expenses).
There's not much to it, but at least there's a trace of punk rebellion in the orgy of destruction visited on a comfortably middle-class suburban home -- even if the coda dubiously suggests that this could be the shortcut to social status and parental respect.