To date no authentic original document has been made available.
The tweets included links to the original document.
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By the same token, a constitutional reform may be aimed at fixing imperfections in the system of representation or other imperfections that demand amendments from the original constitutional document.
Offshore trusts were increasingly drafted with provisions that gave the Protector broad discretion to terminate the existing Trustee, after which reference was to be made back to the original trust document to appoint the successor Trustee.
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For more on the HDI tree, see the original report or this summary document.
This feature complete build is what they hope to release and usually cobtains perhaps thirty percent of the original ideas from the design document.
It was offered together with his Nobel diploma, a handsome two-page vellum document that contains an original picture of a long-haired youth in a blue tunic holding the Rod of Asclepius.
It is being offered with his Nobel diploma, a handsome two-page vellum document that contains an original hand-colored picture of a long-haired youth in a blue tunic holding the Rod of Asclepius.
Neither Leeds nor the Football League have commented, but Cramer has seen the original High Court writ, which is a public document.
It's really quite profound when you think about it: a founding father granting future generations permission to make changes to a document with the ink barely dry on the original.
Gibson also notes that the World Cancer Research Fund review was based on just six studies (the other reviews ranged from 12 to over 80 studies) and that the original finding was much weaker than the one that appeared in the final document, raising questions as to why the editors rejected the conclusions of their researchers.
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The original draft may have lived on my laptop, but by the time the document was released it had been edited and improved by many other voices including political officials, captains of industry, law enforcement officers and religious leaders from many faiths.
But he says that the original meaning of the constitution is not what its authors expected the language they used in the document to do solely during their lifetime, but what they meant it to say.