But the survey did highlight wide differences between the levels of satisfaction expressed by officers compared with other ranks.
Knight, through its relationships with trading platforms like Fidelity and TD Ameritrade, trades more funds and processes more trades than any other marketmaker and ranks second only to Merrill Lynch in published dollar trading volume.
On the other extreme, Colorado ranks as the skinniest state.
America produces far more scientific papers than any other country, and Britain ranks number five.
Breaking ranks with the other 49 states, New York just might investigate the unprecedented fraud perpetrated by the biggest banks.
FORBES: Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Goes After Bank Fraud
Nader joins the ranks of many other elder statesmen in condemning violent video games, connecting our digital experiences with real-life tragedies.
FORBES: Ralph Nader Calls Violent Video Games 'Electronic Child Molesters'
Mr Duhalde, the incumbent president, had been turned down by three other potential nominees from the ranks of Peronism, Argentina's hegemonic political movement.
When costs are considered, as they should be, GW ranks down near other expensive schools like the University of Miami and Syracuse University.
FORBES: George Washington University Is An Odd Location To Discuss Fiscal Restraint
At Hikari, Chinese and other foreign nationals fill the ranks.
The U.S. so far has balked at sending weapons to the rebels, fearing the arms could end up in the hands of al-Qaida-linked groups or other extremists in the opposition ranks.
And in recent months, operations that they led, based on intelligence they developed, killed two key leaders of Al Qaeda in Iraq and purged more than 30 other top terrorists from its ranks.
Although some soldiers have backed one leader or the other, many in the higher ranks have remained neutral in public.
ECONOMIST: A constitutional crisis is beginning to turn sour
Other firms have thinned their top ranks of partners who didn't bring in enough business, making it even tougher to elbow into a spot.
County Down's GAA board's decision to support deleting Rule 21 was particularly significant in that it broke ranks with the five other Northern Ireland counties.
The Game 4 victory gave the Yankees 125 wins for the season - a total that ranks alongside all the other big numbers put up in baseball this year.
Accusations from Mr Basyir's dwindling ranks of supporters and other elements on the extreme fringe that she is being un-Islamic by prosecuting Mr Basyir now fall largely on deaf ears.
Alexander evidently enjoyed so much the favorable press and other accolades he achieved for breaking ranks with the rest of the GOP leadership that he has just announced that he will give up his post as chairman of theSenate Republican Policy Committee - presumably in the interest of having more latitude to engage in such defections in the future.
The U.S. ranks 28th out of 38 other developed countries in the share of four-year olds enrolled in early education, the administration said.
This ratio ranks above 56% of other such readings taken during the past year, pointing to a healthier-than-usual appetite for bullish bets over bearish.
FORBES: Three Struggling Semi Stocks Poised For Additional Losses
New Jersey, for example, spends more per pupil than any other state in the Union, but ranks only 29th among the states and Washington, D.
They also aggressively vied with each other for market share, boosting their ranks of sales representatives and heavily promoting themselves through social media and email offers and discounts.
Compared with the 19 other major industrialized economies, the United States ranks dead last for personal savings.
The campus appeared in fragments, through ranks of tall trees on the other side of a country road.
By closing ranks against the Blok, the other parties have given it a monopoly on the protest vote.
But neither is remotely in the same league as the other brands she listed, none of which ranks below No. 21 (Time).
This ratio ranks higher than 60% of other such readings taken over the past year, indicating a growing appetite for puts over calls.
According to Segarra, Oshkosh has an operating earnings yield of 6% and ranks above 71% of the other companies in the Ford universe of stocks.
This ratio ranks higher than 81% of other such readings taken during the past year, suggesting that traders have been purchasing bullish bets over bearish at an accelerated clip.
This ratio ranks higher than 100% of other such readings taken during the previous year, revealing that short-term speculators are more put-heavy now than at any other time over the past 12 months.