The Investigative Committee added that it was examining other theories such as a short circuit or arson.
Even so, Stratfor's predictions are no more bizarre than many other theories going the rounds in Manila.
We're examining the possibility that the crime was tied to his professional activities, but there are other theories as well.
It is possible that the Higgs boson found at the Large Hadron Collider could fit into those other theories.
There have been other theories of where HIV started and how it spread.
Dr Melrose also thinks that some of the other theories, though they have shortcomings, do not rule out filaments with kinks.
Nonetheless, it remains to be seen whether the new particle is the Higgs boson of the standard model, or one of several other bosons predicted by other theories of physics.
Such a lawsuit can sound in defamation and negligence, among other theories, and it can seek actual as well as punitive damages, and attorney fees and other costs of the action.
Although other theories remain about why this past decade was cooler than those previous, scientists seem to be converging around this idea that sulfate particles, which reflect the sun, are the culprits.
That model is the best explanation out there for what happens at scales smaller than the atom, but still has a lot of holes in it, and there are other theories out there that go beyond that model.
One of the fundamental things that separates the Austrian School from most other macroeconomic theories seems to be their attitude toward aggregate demand.
This mathematical approach to investing led to the famed Capital Asset Pricing Model by Sharpe, Lintner, and Black, the Option Pricing Model by Black and Scholes, and other important theories.
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These and other thought-provoking theories make this slim volume by a history professor at the University of Genoa more than just another collection of past culinary oddities.
Working for Bell Laboratories, Nyquist (among other things) set out theories regarding telegraph speed and transmission that would pave the way for future digital audio developments.
He throws in all the reputable polls (determined by their history), plus many of the other non-poll based theories on who wins elections (such as economic and survey data), whips it well to remove bias and various other nasty bits, and figures out a good set of odds for each state.
The Austrian school theories, on the other hand, are much more comprehensive and can be applied to virtually any time in history.
"It was good to catch up with them and brain-storm, float a few ideas and test a few theories out with each other, " Booth said.
Experiments are under way to test the theories on inflammation and the other vectors of attack.
CNN: Health - Researchers describe new era in experimental chemical attacks on Alzheimer�� disease
Yet economists, like rival witch doctors, get red in the face promoting diametrically opposed economic remedies, sometimes sharing Nobel Prizes in the same year for theories that directly contradict each other.
While NASA and pretty much every other reputable scientific body refutes these doomsday theories, we have decided to share our thoughts on what ads you absolutely must see before the end of days.
But most of the other things you mention are measures, not theories.
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Theories that explain this apparent asymmetry violate other measurements.
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By investing in companies like Grasslands, Fullterton and other impact investors are laying the foundation for new finance-based theories, tools, and metrics to serve the needs of a sustainable economic system.
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Fenimore predicted that other scientists "will be all over this" with expansions of the theories.
In every other discipline, scientists earn fame and fortune if they successfully debunk its reigning theories.
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Investment analysts have two theories on volatility and market performance, and unfortunately they contradict each other.
Sayre's theories were later debunked, but not before being widely picked up in other English-speaking countries, in particular in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Gollaher says.
Such theories have been dismissed here as sour grapes by the losers, while other Koreans have been left dismayed, with the suspicions taking off some of the gloss from the celebrations.