Bodega Bay is an otherwise unremarkable stop on a remarkable stretch of Hwy 1.
Cow eggs, for instance, can be bought cheaply from slaughterhouses that would otherwise discard them.
Otherwise, the NBA continues to accept that life after Michael will never be the same.
There are a few feathers of high white cloud in an otherwise blue sky.
But otherwise, the air was as still as the water I had swum in hours earlier.
BBC: Long-distance swimming in Nepal��s glacial mountain lakes
Otherwise, the day ends after the first goal or at 10 pm if neither team has scored.
Tiffany-style pendant lights lend the only flash of colour in an otherwise monochrome and sparsely decorated room.
In early clinical trials all of these new remedies have shrunk or destroyed tumors that otherwise resist taxanes.
Some heurige go for a rural look that is somewhat contrived, but here it could not be otherwise.
San Francisco plans to set up free, universally available wireless access to the Internet, otherwise known as Wi-Fi.
The otherwise worthless piece of paper in your wallet conveys value because of government decree.
FORBES: Not Just Another Article Espousing The Gold Standard
But he said this was not enough, otherwise, "we will lose the struggle for EU unity".
Otherwise, we are trying to build on sand or air or something equally insubstantial.
FORBES: Let's Finally Get the Fundamentals of Healthcare in Place in Africa
But healthcare IT continues to be a promising bet in an otherwise challenging sector.
Otherwise, I think this is one of the best home automatic coffee makers on the market.
If Google News users think some sponsored content is news, who is Google to say otherwise?
FORBES: Why Google Should Rethink Its Approach to Sponsored Content
In an otherwise ugly equity market today, investors are piling in to optical networking component stocks.
Otherwise you may get dinged on the sale price if you need to get out early.
With knowledge, however, otherwise worthless matter and radiation turns into petroleum, microchips, and radio spectrum.
The same rules apply for kidnapped children who would otherwise be considered a qualifying relative.
FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): K Is For Kidnapped Children
There are no misunderstandings that might otherwise arise from comparing the concepts of two different words.
Language is one of the few things that unite this otherwise disparate and vast country.
Her success in this area opened up other opportunities that never would have emerged otherwise.
FORBES: For Career Decisions: Maximize Risks Instead of Managing Them
Investors might overlook this if the company were otherwise sound and on a growth trajectory.
"War forces you to do things that you never would do otherwise, " he says.
Otherwise, we risk forfeiting the professional and client-driven reputation we worked so hard to earn.
FORBES: IBM GC Says: Beware Of Lenders Offering To Finance Your Lawsuit
Otherwise, he says, the filling might spill over the sides as he moves it.
Otherwise you won't get anything in the future, and you'll end up on the road.
Otherwise, the buying and selling of credit derivatives has been completely invisible to the investing public.
Otherwise, it could be months before a replacement can be built, the governor said.