He was starting to get a little thick in the middle, but otherwise he was the same Buckley we felt like we knew from his National Review columns and quips and his TV show, Firing Line.
Apart from the spiffy new design, however, the two cameras are otherwise identical, with the same wide-angle lens with a 3.6x optical zoom, 7.2 megapixel CCD, 2.5-inch LCD, and 848x480, 30fps movie capturing capabilities.
They've replaced the Velcro with magnets, but otherwise, it looks the same, Apple font included.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: An ode to the trapper keeper
The brand new ultra-wide all-aluminum iMac has been unboxed inside the hallowed halls of the Engadget HQ, and inside was a real scarcity of wires, a keyboard (which now requires one less battery but otherwise looks exactly the same), and of course that brand new multitouch Magic Mouse.
ENGADGET: New iMac and Magic Mouse unboxing and quick hands-on
While we're at it, we might as well mention the company's newest addition to the mju line: The mju 7010 sports a 7x optical zoom, but otherwise looks pretty much the same (12 megapixel, 2.7-inch display, advanced face tracking and intelligent auto mode, magic filters, etc).
ENGADGET: Olympus announces new FE and mju range 12 megapixel shooters
Some have suggested that the 74-year-old Mr Brown wants, consciously or otherwise, to leave the same imprint on California as his father did.
Tuesday's ruling found that the proposition restricted the designation of marriage "while not otherwise affecting the fundamental constitutional rights of same-sex couples, " as Chief Justice Ronald George wrote.
It is irrefutable that eventually the link with the dollar must be given up, otherwise Argentina will continue to suffer the same cycle of boom and bust which it has suffered over the past decade, owing to a monetary policy determined in Washington, rather than Buenos Aires.
For example, a bowling ball causes a dent in a mattress, and that dent changes the otherwise straight motion of a nearby marble on the same mattress.
At least within a sport I think it has to be the same, otherwise schools with more money will have the advantage.
Otherwise, the gameplay consists of the same basic dodging, block and customization mechanics that chAIR deployed in its more medieval title.
"I think it needs to be stepped up quite a lot otherwise we'll get into the same situation at the end of next winter, " she said.
This means that you can effectively give away the same amount you would otherwise die with, without incurring additional estate taxes.
FORBES: Want to Avoid the Estate Tax Cliff? Five Ways to Help
He was an inspiration, with LiveStrong bracelets pushing Americans through their otherwise humdrum lives as the charity of the same name raised millions for cancer research.
And for those who claim now that lending disappeared in the fall of '08, surely it did for bad credit risks and otherwise insolvent institutions, but according to the same study, as of Oct. 8, 2008, there was no evidence of a decline in business and consumer loans.
Instead, taxes are often paid with money that would otherwise just be spent so the account grows the same.
Otherwise, we're still looking at the same 1.3-inch OLED display, line-in recording including the ability to record in WMA stereo via an external mic, an FM tuner, and about 20 hours of music playback.
ENGADGET: JVC Victor's Alneo flash players get gapless playback and USB streaming
Otherwise, he looked the way he always did, same chinos, same shiny-elbowed corduroy jacket.
By tackling the issue now it could regain the high moral ground (at the same time as forging ahead in the clean-energy business, which Europe might otherwise dominate).
Even for those projects that were already under construction before the stimulus, they simply received a grant in lieu of a tax credit that they would have otherwise received from the federal government, at essentially the same cost.
FORBES: Critics of Clean Energy Stimulus Program Miss The Point
In a more subtle twist, this email might direct the victim to an equally legitimate- looking Web site that serves to round up the same information from someone who might otherwise be more cautious about giving that information away.
You would expect the same from your high tech entrepreneur, otherwise their investors would be very upset.
FORBES: Why I Disagree With Vinod Khosla About Digital Health -- And Hope He Succeeds Brilliantly
Otherwise, Congress should allow corporations to deduct dividends in the same manner they can deduct interest expenses to level the tax and financing playing field.
The same rules apply for kidnapped children who would otherwise be considered a qualifying relative.
FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): K Is For Kidnapped Children
Previous Globe editorials during the election would lead one to believe that Obamacare and Romneycare are the exact same, and any critics that say otherwise are only being political.
FORBES: Boston Globe's Flip-Flop on Obamacare's 'Counterproductive' Regulations
Ness Wadia - a co-owner of the same team - said that the availability or otherwise of players was "a major issue" and because of that there were no bids for some stars.
And those same officials allow the farmers to keep selling grain because otherwise they would have to compensate or relocate them.
Otherwise, the NBA continues to accept that life after Michael will never be the same.