"Facing both opportunities and challenges, we will fully leverage our advantages, including the world's largest mobile network and customer base, " he said in a statement.
In particular, I believe that there are two urgent reasons why we should all be deeply concerned that our advantages in science and technology innovation are in danger of slipping away.
We are confident that our competitive advantages in materials science and deposition technologies, as well as our know-how in digital imaging, will enable us to capitalize on those opportunities and extend our leadership in key growth markets.
ENGADGET: Kodak to sell the film business that made it so famous (update)
On the other hand, where you have skilled labor, our competitive advantages are accelerating.
WHITEHOUSE: President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness Approves New Report | The White House
This is an area that should be one of our competitive advantages, right?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire
This community could have made excuses -- well, our kids have fewer advantages, our schools have fewer resources -- how can we compete?
These are the advantages our industry has been giving away for the last few years.
If those students start seeing a closed door, then we are losing what is one of our greatest competitive advantages, and that's something that I think we're committed to doing.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
More than ever, our society sees the advantages of workplaces that are racially and ethnically diverse.
It is ironic, in retrospect, that there were certain advantages to our Cold War struggle with the Soviet Union.
That lends itself to two huge advantages: Our culture is collaborative, and we have the mind-set of integrating the voice of the customer.
FORBES: From Inside Out, Speed Your Company's Social Transformation
"We are delighted to bring the unique advantages of our technology platform to the world of athletics with Reebok, " said Ben Schlatka, Vice President of Business Development and Co-Founder of MC10.
ENGADGET: Reebok sets sights on flexible computing sportswear, partners with startup team
"We are extremely dedicated to the future of DVD collections, so much so that we created a new Blu-ray specific club which will provide consumers dedicated to this format with all of the advantages of our club membership, " says Deborah Fine, President and CEO of Direct Brands Inc.
ENGADGET: Columbia House still exists, launches first Blu-ray specific club
The chart shows how the costs and advantages compared in our five locations.
Here in Australia our pension programme offers many advantages for the government and fund managers but few for contributors.
This does not necessitate a return to the colonial attitudes of the past, but rather a keener appreciation of our unique human, physical and political advantages.
FORBES: The Poverty Of Ambition: Why The West Is Losing To China And India
Through our new GreenGov Supply Chain Partnership, Federal suppliers can agree to voluntarily measure, reduce, and report their greenhouse gas emissions to help GSA design an incentive-based approach to developing contracting advantages for companies that share our sustainability goals.
But what we can do, there are several advantages that we have over bankruptcy for our financial intermediary.
We became so focused on where we were going that not only did we overcome our problems, we turned the solution into competitive advantages.
Expanding our economies in these directions has all sorts of advantages.
FORBES: How to Eliminate Random Acts of Senseless Productivity
In our view, this should lead to several design advantages, namely the device can be thinner, battery life should be longer, and the overall experience for users should be meaningfully improved.
Copper is one of Chile's important comparative advantages and will remain an important player in our economy.
There are great advantages to a civilian trial from the perspective of our institutions.
The tax code would be cleaner, and our politics fairer, if no one enjoyed any tax-exempt advantages.
While its original goal may have been luring investments from New York City, the relative advantages of business filings within Delaware have now become dominant across our Union.
FORBES: Why Vice President Biden's Delaware Is A Big, Taxing Deal
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