I'm glad to report the commission I served on went out-of-business in 2010.
Slockett said early voting is insurance against the expected -- finals at the University of Iowa or an out-of-town business trip -- or the unexpected, like a sick child.
Through no fault of their own -- I've looked into the eyes of those out-of-work teachers, out-of-work businessmen and women, small business owners, construction workers who've been laid off.
He saw that the companies that made fourteen-inch drives for mainframe computers had been driven out of business by companies that made eight-inch drives for mini computers, and then the companies that made the eight-inch drives were driven out of business by companies that made 5.25-inch drives for PCs.
You may owe use tax if you purchased books, clothing, electronics, artwork, jewelry, or other items from an out-of-state business (for example, through a catalog or Internet retailer) that did not collect California tax.
In Asia, that theoretically means that some companies--some big slow-moving ones--will go out of business and people will lose jobs.
The regulations also will dramatically change the industry's business model, likely forcing many -- good and bad -- out of business.
The total number of those being declared insolvent - either voluntarily or being forced out of business by creditors - has risen from 183 to 304.
VUKUNET, from NEC Display Solutions of America, is the engine that powers the digital out-of-home advertising business.
ENGADGET: NEC revamps its MultiSync lineup with new 24-inch IPS monitor
They put many tiny mom-and-pop health-food stores out of business, and seemed to have no competitor in applying the principles of mass distribution to the world of healthier, gourmet food.
FORBES: Meet the Upscale Groceries That are Eating Whole Foods' Lunch
But the effect of the new laws, says Michael Williams of the Bond Market Association in New York, could be simply to push secondary-market participants, fearful of liability, out of the sub-prime business altogether.
ECONOMIST: Lawmakers, state and federal, are mounting an attack
If you report a profit in three years out of five--or two out of seven in the case of some horse ventures--the presumption is that your business wasn't a hobby, and it's up to the IRS to prove otherwise.
On the floor of the American Stock Exchange it is widely believed that any trader cocky enough to attract media attention is destined to "blow out" -- trader lingo for going out of business.
The bitter irony is this long-drawn out debate comes when the internet - which, being global, has no regulatory restraints - is driving newspapers out of business.
By expanding immigration for low-skill workers, we restrain labor costs and reduce out-migration of manufacturing and other business.
But if the buy-out side of private equity faces big challenges, much of the venture-capital business is having an even tougher time, as the next article will show.
The consulting firm McKinsey suggests that the pace of technological and demographic changes have so transformed the business landscape that the probability of a high-performance business toppling out of leadership has tripled in a generation.
So, in future, without Microsoft and Apple (and Amazon, another innovative company that has never wasted its time in Las Vegas), it's hard to avoid concluding that CES will -- like Best Buy - gradually but inevitably go out of business.
And that's where I think a well-thought-through policy of incentivizing the new while recognizing that there's going to be a transition process -- and we're not just suddenly putting the old out of business right away -- that has to be something that both Republicans and Democrats should be able to embrace.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
But his critics said, well, Wal-Mart comes into a small town and puts everybody out of business, the mom-and-pop stores and rival chains.
Mr Messer invited Carlyle, a private-equity firm, to join him in a successful buy-out of this part of the business.
Over-and-done-with firms need to be pushed out of business before their dead hand can be pried from the stick.
Most expect the second-tier video sites and group-buying sites to go out of business.
FORBES: My First-Hand Impressions of the Chinese Tech Sector
In addition to the Internet taint, Overture suffers from fears that privately held Google--the dominant force in the search field--will run it out of business.
"My goal, one that's been talked about for many years, is to get out of the check-payment business, " said Richard Gregg, Treasury's Fiscal Assistant Secretary and one of the officials overseeing the program.
The news out of the once-glamorous record business is mostly grim these days, as it has been since the advent of the original Napster--headlines tend to highlight sales declines, a lack of new superstars and executive beheadings.
Alas, his work there is now forgotten, and he spent his declining years batting out profiles of show-business celebrities like Mel Brooks and Johnny Carson for the New Yorker, a sad way for so spectacularly gifted a writer to go out.
There is, of course, wariness over the impact of sequestration and substantial disagreement over the future course of the US economy, but I read an awful lot of economic commentary and the general discourse has shifted out of crisis-mode to business as usual.
It would not address the crucial issue of which governments are solvent and which are not. (Though it would provide a forum for doing that.) Nor would it get the ECB out of the business of rescuing governments - though at least it would now be doing so at one step removed.
Governments have also realised that although a sluggish and half-hearted approach to e-government will not put them out of business, they may not be as immune from competition as they thought.