E-mails, out-of-print books, blogs, research papers in Arabic--any of them might contain something useful to someone.
The books online range from classics to manga comics plus out-of-print titles and textbooks.
Pedro Menezes de Correa's Trilhas do Rio is another good out-of-print book on hiking in the Tijuca Forest and beyond.
Having already digitized twelve million books, including out-of-print titles, Google will have a far greater selection than Amazon or Apple.
When I was COO at AbeBooks, a marketplace for used, rare and out-of-print books, we thought we could expand our site into new books.
Why not put out some of those great out-of-print mysteries herself?
Also, many of Google's books are out-of-print volumes from before 1923.
Is this, then, a test case for publishers who could work in tandem with the fans of underappreciated and out-of-print books to bring them back into circulation?
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Those curious to relive the spill's details should get hold of the excellent, out-of-print book by Art Davidson, In the Wake of the Exxon Valdez (Sierra Club Books).
Frank, who came to the catalogue in 1996 from an art history background, found there were many untranslated or out-of-print titles that should have been available to American readers.
Nearly 40 years later, gentrification became a hot-button topic across America, in Brooklyn especially, and a group of writers led by Jonathan Lethem urged readers to rediscover the long out-of-print title.
Google has already digitised millions of out-of-print titles.
The book effort suffered a setback this week when a federal judge in New York rejected a deal between Google and publishers that would have blessed the scanning of out-of-print books whose copyright holders are unknown.
The Library of Congress and the Universal Music Group (UMG) announced today the donation of more than 200, 000 historic master recordings-many long out-of-print or never released-to the Library's Recorded Sound Section, which has more than 3 million sound recordings in its collections.
That sensibility led Topkis to her first winner, a 1995 British detective story called Death in the Garden, by Elizabeth Ironside. (In January Garden briefly beat out The Da Vinci Code as the top mystery seller on Amazon.com.) To publish this out-of-print title, Topkis had to track down the book's rights.
"Many of us are objecting because we have been working together for years on the mass scanning of out-of-print books - and have worked to get books online for far longer than Google - and Google's 'settlement' could hurt our efforts, " wrote Brewster Khale of the Internet Archive in a blog post earlier this week.
The much-heralded project called Google Print would provide free online copies of out-of-copyright books and newer books still protected by copyrights, making them searchable with snippets of text available online.
People who write about science and who write about it well tend to be specialists, and specialists cost more than an on-the-ground generalist just out of college and desperate for a job in the ever-shrinking print journalism job market.
As a result, the organisers are able to know that educators, school administrators, business people, parents, policy-makers, researchers and consultants from around the world visit the site, print out large numbers of documents, sending back responses via e-mail and providing new information, including articles and other resources.
Take that out of the equation and app-based publishing, like print publishing, is a cost-heavy, money-losing proposition.
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Sometimes documents print out with Chinese-like characters instead of the real thing (and sadly, they still make as much as sense as the original).
When I was a kid, I used to print out and bind multiple copies of thirty-page rants and mail them to my friends.
One highlight is a Blue Peter-style page where fans can print out a picture of Anne Robinson and then follow instructions on how to turn it into a face mask.
This has already started to happen among primarily mid-list authors, who do reasonably well and then their books go out of print.
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We're trying to make sure that there is a cap on out-of-pocket expenses so that you don't find out, when you read the fine print, that you've got to pay a huge amount that you thought you were covered for.
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The secrecy with which he leads his life makes working out the fact and fiction of his goings-on a tricky business, never mind deciphering what you can and cannot print about his business dealings.
"Investors remain reluctant to hold positions without confirmation the U.S. central bank will print their way out of any deterioration in the economic situation, " said Sydney-based Ben Taylor, sales trader at CMC Markets in a note.
It also finds out where people have seen the ads--on TV, in print, online (or in some combination of these).
The clover print grew out of a trip to Austria, where she came across a tiny heart-shaped paperweight with a four-leaf clover inside.
He would carefully review the literature, design all the studies (with his various co-authors), set up the experiments, print out all the questionnaires, and then, instead of actually doing the experiments and distributing the questionnaires, made it all up.