In fact Peranakan identity is so out-there that even home design guru Martha Stewart recently tried nonya cooking.
Some of the more out-there runway shows, like Etro's "friendly cow"-themed hide-fest, are, beneath the production values, statements about talent and dexterity.
So, Moseley says some companies are at least poking around with more out-there technologies, like zinc-air, sodium nickel chloride, and other exotic chemistries.
In addition to chasing the money trail, uncovering the original source and motives of out-there conspiracies and hoaxes online is always difficult, said David Mikkelson, co-founder of the debunking site
We'll just have to wait and see how this one plays out -- there's still no official word from either agency on what's happening, and the timeline of any potential investigation and lawsuit will be measured in months and years.
And right before the ball dropped, he said, I'm going to say a message to fans: You guys out there - those players out there are working their butts off - and you sit there and boo them.
And let me just tell you, from now until November, we are going to need all of you to get out there -- get out there and tell everyone you know about this man.
BlackBerry users know that stellar Twitter clients have been hard to come by, so whenever a major new release hits the streets, it's something that makes the BlackBerry-carrying Twitter addicts out there -- and there are many of them, rest assured -- sit up and take notice.
"Greg Abbott's back to square one, he needs an out-and-out striker, there's no-one there with experience who can hold the ball up and lead the line, " said Cassidy.
Though the number of castles sold worldwide is minuscule compared to the overall real estate market, it has increased in recent years, thanks to the rising wealth of buyers, increased visibility--there are several castle-specific Web sites out there--and general enthusiasm for real estate.
This is the only plan that -- out there -- that independent economists have said would put people to work right now.
For those men that are out there- and there are many- that combine with a career woman, the two make a happy and healthy home.
"There's still a huge untapped market out there--there's no reason to believe that there isn't enough share to go around, " says Amanda Tepper, who covers Aramark for J.
Downloading vital E-mails and telephone numbers from your desktop machine is a cinch and perhaps best of all, the popularity of the PalmPilot series--International Data Corp. reckons there are more than 1.5 million out there--means that there is a wide variety of free software available on the web.
There were some general themes that were out there -- one, that there are businesses that are looking for loans out there that are profitable, that are ready to make money.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks After Meeting with Community Bank CEOs | The White House
Several Argentine players, waiting for the restart, joined the fray, perhaps fearing the goal would be ruled out - and there was confusion inside the ground but Tevez's headed finish stood.
And I just want to point this out -- there has never been a program of this scale, moved at this speed, that has been enacted as effectively and as transparently as the Recovery Act.
"You can have 100 people all walking around out there with bikes, playing football and having picnics out there - and they leave all their rubbish, " said Mr Andrew.
After getting out, Faid put himself out there -- not only with his book, but as the subject of numerous interviews.
Your administration has ruled out the various ideas that have been out there -- the 14th Amendment.
There are some very nice DVD up-scalers out there that have ether very good up-scaling ability or audiophile grade components.
Yet as a consequence, given the need to prevent a budgetary blow-out, there is little scope to deliver growth-raising tax cuts.
As Apple Insider notes, the computer is one of six that's accounted for out of 50 that are likely still out there -- ensuring these will only remain for folks with deep pockets indeed.
ENGADGET: Apple I fetches $374.5K at Sotheby's auction, Steve Jobs Atari note goes for $27.5k
And as much as we love to roar for underdogs and out-of-nowheres, there is something to be said for an athlete doing it when the world is expecting greatness looking right into the anticipation and serving greatness right up.
WSJ: 2012 London Olympics: A Priceless Gold for Missy Franklin - Jason Gay
Now, I think the history of anti-poverty efforts is, is that the most important anti-poverty effort is growing the economy and making sure there are enough jobs out there -- single most important thing we can do.
And that's been pretty good, you know, to see folks realize that what they have to do is to really get out there and get out there among our three-and-a-half-or-so million people here in South Carolina.
Mr. COLEMAN: Yeah, a black man basically with a redneck attitude, kind of a cowboyish kind of guy, you know, kind of out there, fun-loving but, you know, not so out there that, you know, people think, you know, you're a menace or anything like that.
This joker -- I guess others out there, too -- gets a weird satisfaction out of L.A.'s teams being so rich but playing so poorly.
Sure, there are a number of mobile video-sharing apps out there, but none have yet reached anything resembling Instagram-like levels of ubiquity.
There are shipping-impaired companies, there are sketch-mondo companies and then there are flat-out bogus companies.
ENGADGET: L's quad core laptop with 24 hour battery will ship when heck freezes over