According to reports, clients were desperately trying to pull assets out of Bear on Friday.
The shaky U.S. economy has turned oil traders skittish, and Wall Street rallied out of bear territory Thursday as crude crossed back below a symbolic threshold.
You might have thought someone had suggested making a rug out of Smokey Bear.
We just recently, in the last 30 days, broke out of the bear market.
On Monday and overnight into Tuesday, we got acceleration to the downside out of the bear flag pattern.
Finally, the Russell 2000 Index closed below its 160-week moving average for the first time since June 2003, a trendline with which it struggled for about a month to overtake as it moved out of its bear market lows that year.
At the start of the current bull market, the RS analysis revealed an upside breakout in the technology sector, as I wrote here on March 4, 2009, which suggested that tech stocks would lead coming out of the bear market.
As the crisis progressed, Treasury errors didn't help, particularly its policy of virtually wiping out the value of Bear Stearns' common stock.
The SEC will also expand an investigation begun earlier this year into short selling in shares of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, two investment banks that have been forced out of existence (in Bear Stearns case, by way of a rescue by JPMorgan Chase, and in Lehman's, by bankruptcy) in the wake of bear raids on their stocks.
That will mean girls will spend longer walking to fetch water which could encourage them to drop out of school and bear children earlier.
All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden.
Still, there's a common denominator of exultant, almost dervishy gyration, along with an acting-out of aggression that can bear a startling resemblance to street fighting.
But all this is dwarfed in his model by the effects of getting out of the market before the bear rushes in.
When those who make bad decisions are not bailed out but bear the consequences of their actions, markets quickly self correct and impose just sanctions on the imprudent and greedy.
If the thought of a black box jutting out of the bottom of your iPhone is too much to bear, rest easy, because it looks like a dock module isn't going to be your only option.
But the subsequent cyclical bear market turned out to be the beginning of a 17-year sideways secular bear market.
His Houston socialite lover, Joanne Herring, first made him visit Afghan wounded, implying that helping them was a test of his virility, but Mr Wilson was a pacifist who couldn't bear to shoot a squirrel out of a tree.
Sure enough, seconds later, a bear pads eagerly out of the trees and gets its paws stuck in.
Although it does not bear out the notion of a terrorised and depressed middle class, theirs is not a complacent picture.
At one point the modest traffic is brought to a standstill by a black bear ambling nonchalantly out of a copse.
Do you imagine that in the end there'll be some sort of legislation coming out that will bear any resemblance to what you want to have passed today?
Just over two years ago Del Vecchio and Lamensdorf stuck their necks out publicly with the offering of Ranger Bear ETF (HDGE, 18) , a collection of short-sale positions.
FORBES: The Case Against Fossil, First Solar And
The concept took a bit of time to bear fruit and UEFA had to ride out a couple of stormy years when threats of reneging and walking away were stage whispered.
The new Curve, the Bold and the Torch lines are simply priced out of what the current Brazilian market can bear.
As sure as night follows day, a bear market brings out scores of brokerage customers who say their brokers did them wrong.
Most countries do not, in fact, use referendums regularly enough to bear out either the hopes of proponents or the fears of opponents.
"Perhaps history will bear out that the choice of my partner was my best decision, " said the monarch, who is known affectionately as Queen Bea.
He tags along on a 1960s expedition to Greenland and saves the day when the group runs out of food, by felling a polar bear with a single shot.
Ironically, many of its hedge fund clients pulling money out of their accounts could have been short Bear Stearns' stock at the same time, though no one has confirmed a connection.
The experience was made even more spectacular by the appearance of a second, larger and more inquisitive bear that was so well camouflaged he appeared almost out of thin air.