Caijing, he said, had achieved a stature that put it out of reach of lower-ranking bureaucrats.
More recently, technology offered a way to put Timbuktu's ancient manuscripts out of reach of pillagers.
Moreover, demand for poppy-growers has driven agricultural wages out of the reach of farmers growing legal crops.
The one after that for neutrons is thought to be 184, out of reach of today's experiments.
Instead, they "refugeed" tens of thousands across the Mississippi to Texas, out of easy reach of Union forces.
Therefore, she wanted to put the gifts out of reach of the Jones lawyers, out of harm's way.
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
The subsidiaries of Haier, a white-goods maker, were also put out of reach of mainland bureaucrats early on.
Self-defense has increasingly put patents out of the reach of the small-time inventor.
The profit at foreign subsidiaries are out of the reach of the IRS, and largely unusable to their U.S. operations.
WSJ: Apple Pays No Tax on Much of Its Overseas Income, Senate Panel Finds
One is out of reach of the craft's heaters but direct sunlight could do the trick, said the project manager.
TV to fall quickly, along with that of cable modems, for the moment it is out of reach of all but the rich.
They have always viewed Citgo as a plot by PDVSA executives to stash Venezuelan assets out of the reach of subsequent governments.
Typically the ultra-cheap loans required borrowers to put down a 40% deposit, which put them out of reach of most first-time buyers.
And the hosts stated their intentions early on when Mark Kerr's first-minute cross was just out of the reach of striker Lee Miller.
Berdyev's commitment to Kazan, where he is also a vice-president, and quirky style have kept him out of reach of Russia's richer clubs.
Capitalism has created wonders that were out of reach of the richest kings from ancient times to modernity and made them widely available.
With the iPhone 5 price tag putting it out of reach of most market expectations, the fight might be left to Windows Phone.
FORBES: Android Routs Symbian To Rule The Chinese Smartphone Market With 90% Share
On the last play of the game, Tom Brady's desperation pass into the end zone landed just out of the reach of Rob Gronkowski.
Blair's conversion took the score to 23-7 and the Blues out of reach of the visitors with only eight minutes remaining on the clock.
They are now hanging off the platform on small portable ledges, out of reach of its workers, reports the BBC's Daniel Sandford in Moscow.
BBC: Greenpeace activists board Russian Gazprom oil platform
But even then, if salary and overhead increases continue at the current pace, universities will price themselves out of the reach of most Americans.
Such an increase in awareness, if skillfully applied, can lift a disciplined, adventurous artist permanently out of reach of the faded jaws of mediocrity.
Remember all that information that Facebook's 500m users are sharing is locked behind Facebook's wall out of the reach of Google's spiders and search smarts.
Like other US technology companies, Amazon has put this money out of reach of the tax authorities by managing its European operations from Luxembourg.
With the help of a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision they also put themselves a little further out of the reach of rapacious securities litigators.
With conflicts all around they have nowhere safe to flee (though hundreds of thousands have done so) and are mostly out of reach of aid workers.
She said they came into her home "like a swarm of locusts" and moved valuables - including irreplaceable photo albums - out of reach of the floodwater.
"I think they were very careful to keep design information, very important information in Japan, out of reach of our system as much as possible, " he said.
"Apple is still very much at the premium end and out of reach of average consumers, " says Neil Shah, a senior analyst with U.S. based Strategy Analytics.