We were out of step with them and had to try to rectify that.
"I would challenge assertively that these five teachers are out of step, " he added.
And here I thought I was out of step with the majority of my fellow Americans.
Boldness matters, and spending forever second-guessing yourself about details puts you out of step.
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Many of the team's longtime fans say they liked being a little out of step.
The church's insistence on a celibate priesthood is another practice that appears increasingly out of step today.
Because I think there's a number of people in America that feel like Washington is out of step.
Jews find themselves out of step with most of world opinion, which heightens a widespread sense of apprehensiveness.
It is no secret that marketing is out of step with the consumer.
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In each of these areas, the Clinton-Gore administration is clearly out of step with U.S. security and other interests.
He's run a very aggressive campaign trying to paint Musgrove as out of step on social and cultural issues.
Is the Ways and Means chairman out of step with his own leaders?
It is the US system which is out of step with everyone else.
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And he is willing to be out of step for long periods in order to do well in the end.
Strenuous exercise was thought to kill by exhausting healthy hearts, and competitive sports were out of step with flower power.
Mary Robinson, the United Nations' commissioner for human rights, has criticised America for being out of step with other countries.
The thoughts and ideals of the man who spoke today are out of step with what we have seen before.
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Mr Rendel's necessary focus on his constituency has sometimes meant being out of step with the bulk of his party's opinions.
True, Mr Trimble is merely paying the price that democracy extracts from politicians who fall out of step with their voters.
But whether Mr Obama's comments are really out of step with views of the American public depends which poll you believe.
But the younger you are, the more both facets of the plan are likely to seem out of step with the times.
But there was one finding that I found genuinely out of step with reality and it has yet to be adequately discussed.
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Afscme officials say Ms. Raimondo's alliance with the Arnolds shows she is out of step with the interests of working-class Rhode Islanders.
Utako Akasaki is a victim, picked on by her classmates in Tokorosawa, Saitama prefecture because she was quiet, withdrawing, out of step.
The fact that Switzerland is holding a national referendum is a sorry testament to just how out of step some companies find themselves.
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But Chief Secretary to the Treasury Yvette Cooper told the BBC the Conservatives were out of step with the rest of the world.
His first project, "Tour Operator, " presented a global vision of domesticated landscapes where humans appear slightly out of step with the environment they created.
In the war's aftermath, with the paint still fresh on Clement Attlee's welfare state, that put Smedley wildly out of step with popular opinion.
They also missed the costs and risks of an international supply chain, which is increasingly out of step with the shorter, faster product cycles.
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But critics of Perez Balladares, a beefy, combative millionaire businessman known as Toro, or Bull, say his actions are out of step with his words.