Building a company out of thin air is one of the hardest human pursuits.
When the Fed creates money out of thin air, for example, it is a lie.
In essence you have created basis in your partnership interest out of thin air.
So this is - again, this stuff is not just coming out of thin air.
After all we cannot expect the revolution of startups to materialize out of thin air.
Some potential unknown market that Jobs would have pulled out of thin air will now never happen.
Maybe a primal thrill at getting something out of thin air explains Wall Street's infatuation with cash payouts.
In a fractional reserve banking system, banks are permitted under law to create deposit money out of thin air.
When credit is short because capital accumulation is not occuring, our central bank creates credit out of thin air.
FORBES: Why Interest Rates Tell Lies About Inflation, Growth And Just About Everything Else
It did not pluck this idea out of thin air: this was advice from the august Institute of Medicine.
Yair is a seductive philosopher-magician, who spins their relationship out of thin air.
Most investors would sell at any price to avoid a company that had been creating sales out of thin air.
Lawyers at Berger Montague and Schonbrun DeSimone say the Second Circuit pulled that interpretation out of thin air.
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Twenty-three minutes later, in the Sterling Cooper boardroom, Don pulled a perfect pitch out of thin air, the first of many resurrections.
Because the ideas we put forward won't come out of thin air.
In contrast, startups appear out of thin air and require massive speed.
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Through what is called the pyramiding of reserves, uncovered money substitutes can and are literally created out of thin air by private banks.
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By creating money out of thin air, when the Federal Reserve deploys the quantitative easing tools at its disposal, it is printing money.
There is no magic pot of money that is going to be created out of thin air to go on top of that.
To believe the government can produce prosperity simply by printing money is to believe that governments can produce economic activity out of thin air.
Hula dancers, Hawaiians appearing through windows that come out of thin air and kaleidoscopic designs are among the images that made appearances throughout the day.
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Businesses and economies should be rewarded for profits and growth, not for creating a creative new accounting system that makes money appear out of thin air.
"The federal government has viewed for years that he has this almost mystical ability to fabricate weapons or bombs almost out of thin air, " Kleinman said.
Digging deeper into the lie that is quantitative easing, history reveals that the act of creating dollar credit out of thin air is tantamount to dollar devaluation.
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Junior partners are warned never to tell him anything they aren't sure of, for he might pull it out of thin air months later in open court.
Unlike a fiat currency where it can be produced out of thin air, gold takes 1 ton of rock for each ounce and is becoming harder to find.
Holding out hope, blind hope, blind trust, that progress will appear out of thin air for reasons no one really is able to articulate, that's not the answer.
Niemtzow apparently made up battlefield acupunture out of thin air.
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The experience was made even more spectacular by the appearance of a second, larger and more inquisitive bear that was so well camouflaged he appeared almost out of thin air.
The third is going off the euro and declaring that all deposits will be paid off in new Cypriot pounds, which the government will simply print out of thin air.